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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Can't you see where I stand? [Jah-Lilah]
    He isn't an easy man to deal with, he knows this. He was intolerant and stubborn. He was impatient and hated hyperactivity. Though that didn't mean he had to hate those who embodied the personality traits that he disliked most. Though that being said - the buckskin and white stallion had been learning how to be more tolerant. How to be more patient. He had learned that he could work with the personalities that didn't mesh well with his own and even potentially become friends with them; which is exactly what he wants to do with Jah-Lilah, the mare that had once put him off at an unusual level. 

    She was certainly different, more than he had ever experienced and more than anything it had started to make him curious. This is why he begins to search for her on this warm summer day. He wants to poke her brain a bit. Learn about her. She was his partner in title after all and since Circinae had trusted them both to be in the place of watcher she couldn't possibly be as bad as he had once thought, right? Long muscular legs carried the buckskin and white stallion through the palms as he searches for the dark mare until finally he catches sight of her in the distance. "Jah-Lilah?" He calls out curiously, wanting to first assure that it was in fact her that he was approaching. 

    It was only when he finally was sure that the dark mare was who he thought that he snorts softly and approaches her entirely, coming to a stop a few feet away. "Hello, Jah-Lilah." He greets her with a welcoming and kind yet quiet tone. "Could we talk?" His lips twist in a slight smile, a sign of good-will. He means her no harm and comes without judgement. "I was thinking we could... Get to know each other... I know I may have come off a bit rough at first, but I wish to potentially change that." With dark brown eyes the stallion watches her silently as his voice fades into the space between them and he waits for her to respond.

    @[Jah-Lilah] hopefully this is alright. <3 if not let me know!
    someday, we will foresee obstacles
    I believe every lie that I've ever told, paid for every heart that I ever stole.

    Sauntering through the meadow, she has a new confidence that only comes with the glow of a woman with child. Her head is high, her dark locks cascade dramatically down her copper neck, she feels FANTASTIC. Her lover, Canaan has gassed her up so full, she could run forever if he asked her too. There are no worries to trouble her currently, such a weight has been lifted. The only thing she's currently concerned about is the save arrival of her newborn. Other than this baby and her honeycomb stallion, she could care less about much else right now. Finding a particularly lush patch of grass and clover, she finally halts to satiate her hunger. 

    The silence is broken by the call of her name in the breeze. Blinking in surprise, it is not a voice she's terribly familiar with, but she is curious and receptive nonetheless. Raising her head, she looks around until she finds the source, and much to her surprise it is the tall patchwork stallion from the island, @[Kelsie]. Tilting her head inquisitively, she wonders what brings him to her, as he has certainly traveled a great distance to find her. Sparking the air around herself protectively, she turns to face him, ears turned forward, listening. 

    He begins by explain himself, and she just calmly stares. She is quiet, allowing him to speak his piece and greet her accordingly. Finishing her bite she was working on, she proceeds to speak. "Hallo." He inquires if they could possibly, converse, and then apologizes for his previous behavior. The red mare is clueless to what he is talking about, but pregnancy brain is kicking her ass right now. "I mean I see no reason we can't be civil. What is it that you're looking to learn, Eyes-Open? I am very much an open book and not shy, but I'm soul-tied to the golden stallion, Spirit-in-the-Sky. I'm not looking for anyone else to fill me but him." Returning to a bit of clover she had missed before, she snatches the sweet greens up, then meets his gaze. "Other than anything regarding him, I'm listening."

    I played my cards and I didn't fold. Things aren't that hard when you got soul, and this is my world.

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