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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Can you see the flares (Any, Tarvelie)

    Ard stood looking up at the sky as the evening clouds rolled in from over the vast ocean. He found himself looking to the sky more and more these days. He seemed to be searching and longing for something that had slipped away a time ago. He was hoping to spot a glimpse of his mother Tarvelie up in those thick clouds. It was not that he was sick with worry for where she was but, he just wanted to make sure she was alright.

    He wondered how it must be in the sky. The power to fly wherever you wanted and just get away to new distant places. He lowered his eyes to the ground once more looking around some as he shook himself. He remembered being brought to his some under the protection of her white wings and meeting with a few others. Ardashir was almost fully grown now and was a giant among some of the horses that called Nerine home. He had only a little more growing to go before he was at full height and at full maturity.

    The large stallion had to chuckle at the thought of being grown and not ever knowing that special sort of feeling of being in love, or maybe even a little bit of lust with a mare. Ard was a lone soul and had isolated himself over the past couple of years. He had to admit to himself that he had no real drive. The fighting pit was a way for him to open up and start to prove himself. He also had offered his body in service to the queen in her visits to the lands of beqanna.

    He let his blue eyes look out over the sea. He took a deep breath in and thought some about going to the field and maybe trying his hand at getting some recruits. He would at least be able to practice speaking better. She shook again and turned away from the sea to venture into the tree line of his hideout. He was a mess at times and today with the coming of fall just seemed to get him down.  
    The blue in an ocean of grey..

    You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.
    Tarvelie has taken an absence from her home. Her life had led in a series of turns, and the beachside cliffs had been too much for her to wake up to every day. Though after a year (possibly more) the woman returns, and she is not alone.

    She has another boy, a grullo child whom she has loved just as much as her other son. The winged mare has called him vineyard, and the boy is beautiful like his brother. The thought of the pale child (now grown and gone) makes her heartache. She had not been there enough. The duo had good times back in the day, he had pulled her into a happiness she hadn't felt in a while.

    She strolls along the beach with the stone colored child, his bodice tucked neatly beneath her wing, hidden from the world around them. Nerine had changed since the arrival of Hestia, and while Tarvelie felt safer she still feared for her child. Her heart quickens when she sees him, however. At first, she does not recognize the scar mapped stag. He is turned from her and when she comes closer she smiles widely.

    "@[Ardashir], my sweet child."
    She calls to him, and she knows she won't have to call very loudly. He had always been such a good listener. It is at his mother's voice that spurs Vineyard to choose this time to peak his head out from beneath the creamy expanse of her wings, his doe eyes peering at his sibling.
    [Image: tarvelie_by_voltum-dbhxuco.png]
    The universe seems to answer when asked for something either enough times, or by the emotions shared. Ardashir had wanted to see his mother again and know her voice, her scent. The adoption den is where he had lost his first unknown mare of a mother. But, Tarvelie had stepped in even before his fuzzy vision had cleared and claimed him as her own. Ardashir knew the winged mare as his one and only true mother. He raised his head once more to glance at the sky above before a sound flitted its way into his ears.

    His nose the picked up the scent of another and he wondered at how he had allowed himself to be so distracted. He snapped back into that forward part of himself as the scent smacked him once more and he knew who it was that had come. The blue eyes stallion turned himself towards the dun mare with ivory colored wings. The ashen stallion let his ears slide forward and his body grow slack with relaxation upon seeing Tarvelie. Yes, he was scared and had learned to respect the things that lurked in those dark pools of the ocean.

    Her voice had been soft but, with only the ocean and the surrounding bird calls she had not had to call that loudly. He approached her slowly as there was an air of caution to her. He paused a moment and stretched his muzzle out to her offering his breath and looked then to the colt that stuck his head out from between her wing where he had been tucked. Ard moistened his mouth a moment before speaking, “ Hello mother.” The words were simple and carried that silvery tone he had grown into. He honestly did not know what to say in the moment. What was one supposed to say or do? He was at least calm as he stood looking at that new life next to his mother's side where he had once stood.
    The blue in an ocean of grey..

    You’ve mistaken the stars reflected on the surface of the lake at night for the heavens.

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