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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    This Herd has a Home- [Ygritte, Light, Any]

    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Led by Ygritte to the kingdom called the falls, he scanned the horizion with joy as it was a beautiful sight. Archam was an asshole, and had no desire to speak to other stags. But was quite the charmer with the mares. He had Light who was carying his foal, he enjoyed her company and was excited to see the kin they would produce, raising them in these lands. Archam was curious to what the lead stag looked like and how big there war team was. Did they go to war often? he pondered in his mind. The air was beautiful in the Falls, clean and only had one scent instead of multiple kingdoms clashing. He no longer had to linger in the forest and meadow, he could wonder as he pleased in this kingdom. 

    "Ygritte thank you for taking us in, were shall we stay?" he asked wondering if he would be with the general population. Sharing with other stags was low on his list of desires. He turned his head and smiled to Light, he hoped she enjoyed the Falls as much as he did. He would let her off to do as she pleased with the kingdom so long as she returned to him at night. He didnt usually keep his mares on a short leash, but Light was special. He could not pick out what, but she held his heart unlike any before.


    She walked behind the stallion taking in the scenery. It was beautiful. The multiple forests that dotted the landscape, the way the hill's rolled to meet the sun, the river that wound through the ground and to the edge of a cliff where it became the most spectacular waterfall that Light would ever see in her life, the flat grasslands where beautiful as well. Light was pleased at the pleasant surprise that the falls had given her, she never expected the land to be this breath taking. It was the perfect area for them. She walked closer to Archam and pressed her head to his neck "It's captivating, the scenery is bewitching" she let out a slow breath, how could one place be so magical? 
    She waited as Archam began talking to Ygritte. She felt no nees to say anymore, she was quite happy just being in the falls. Their foal would grow up in such a magnificent place, she was sure that their foal would be healthy. She stood calmly shifting her weight across her body. Yes these land's would provide, she nodded to herself in confirmation. She was sure that life would get easier staying in one place rather than moving for week's to different place's and never having a home.


    don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

    I lounge at the base of the waterfall, curled atop a rock that was warmed by the late winter sunlight. My position is unnatural for a horse, but as I rise and stretch, the flicking tail and briefly extended claws are proof that I am not entirely equine. Shaking a few flakes of snow from my back, I shake the long-furred coat off as well, until I stand beside the waterfall looking like nothing more than the gargantuan spotted horse that I am.

    The sound of hooves had roused me, and I look over the kingdom until I see a trio of horses standing in the broad Meadow. Two of them are strangers, but I recognize Ygritte, and head toward them at a steady trot, stopping at the side of the salmon-pointed queen. It’s a mare and stallion, and if the broad belly on the mare was any indication, they were a couple. I’m always glad to see the Falls growing, and smile pleasantly at the two of them, taking special care to not brush against Ygritte.

    “Welcome to the Falls,” I tell them, “I’m Kreios, the king. Have you come to join the kingdom?”



    The bay and salmon woman had not been with the two new faces long before the familiar face of the spitted king neared. A silent note was made as he was hesitant to touch her, quite odd for the moment they shared when the stood drinking in the stars and the cool sky but she brushes it aside for now. The flower crowned skull moves to look past Archam, to Light. Her smile is small but sincere and genuine. It tends to grow over time like a well nurses violet or lily. "Hello Light, welcome to the Falls." The introduction was simple. Light amber pools flicker to those of the massive king and then back to Archam. "It warms me to see you both have made it safely." Her smile broadens a bit as she nods in unison with the statement.

    Kreios is pleased with the Falls as Ygritte is and his smile feeds her own before you faces Archam and Light. "How was your walk? An easy one I hope." The salmon and russet mare is curious of the pair, hoping especially that Light will settle in comfortably as the mare seemed shy and Ygritte hoped her presence did not intimidate her.


    all of us have a hero and a villain in us

    Archam looked over his shoulder hoping Light would enjoy the kingdom as much as he would, he eyes seemed to be bouncing all over the place taking in the beauty and her body read as though she was happy. Archam was proud to provide for her, and could not wait until the spring brought there foal to life.

    His thoughts went blank as the voice of a male approached, he turned quickly to lay his eyes on a spotted stag who was larger than Archam himself. He introduced himself as the king, although Archam hated other stags out of respect for staying on there lands he gave a dip of his head in respect"Thats correct, Light and I are here to stay" he gave a slight smirk happy to be in the kingdom. His attention turned to Ygritte who asked of there travels to the kingdom. "Ahh, it was a simple travel, glad we could make it as quickly as we did, thank you for allowing us to stay here" the stag looked back to Light curious to her shyness, he knew that she was shy but she also knew how to speak around others. 


    She managed to catch Archam look over his shoulder to her, but her eyes weren't on him or any of the others. Her eyes where darting all over the scenery taking it in. Another male appeared and he introduced himself as the king "Pleasure to meet you" she smiled as she spoke "I must say your Kingdom is so breathtaking"  it was a compliment but a well meant one "It's nice to be here Ygritte" she spoke to the other mare in a soft voice that seemed to disappear on the wind, melding into it. Eyes where on her as she was stared at "Please excuse my shyness, i just feel as though i shouldn't talk"  normally she would be quite happy to strike up a conversation but right now she was rather happy just listening "I'm happy just listening" she hoped the explanation was god enough because it was the truth. She ventured forward from the comforting side of Archam and closer to Ygritte.


    don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

    I do not lean away from Ygritte out of personal preference (I’d be pressed against her from hip to shoulder if I weren’t keeping away purposefully). I only want to make it clear that Ygritte is as much the monarch in her own right as I am. I reach out and press my muzzle against her neck warmly, and while my touch lingers longer than it might have before our starry evening, I pull back and allow her to address these newest members of our kingdom as the queen that she is.

    The bay roan stallion confirms that they are here to stay, and I wonder if perhaps this is the stallion that is building his herd here in the Falls. I do not object – the kingdom is large and can host a great many horses – but the rapidly expanding population means even more horses to keep an eye on. The other kingdoms, while ignoring the Falls in the past, are likely to be drawn in by our exploding numbers. I hope that Archam is as willing to protect his mares from steals and challenges as he is to bring them to the kingdom.

    The chestnut mare speaks up and I look down at her, a friendly expression on my face. “Thank you,” I say with a smile, “It’s certainly a beautiful place. I’m glad you’ve both chosen to join us here.” Though I know that Ygritte is responsible for recruiting them here, I’m not sure what she’s told them about the kingdom. Do they plan on joining a caste or simply living as residents? Never one for idle chatter, I glance curiously at Ygrtte, wondering if it will come up naturally in our conversation.

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