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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    former herd, anyone
    They've had to come down the Mountain.

    Njenyi had wanted to stay, to keep looking for the rest of his herd, but the air had become too thin to breathe, and he could feel the lack of oxygen begin to play tricks with his mind. So he had herded @[Trechery] down the steep slope and into the somewhat familiar flats of the Meadow. There is something different, something about the way the wind blows from the opposite direction that sets the hair on his spine upright.

    Perhaps Zaravich and Sirana will rejoin them, or perhaps Njenyi will have to start from scratch with his herd. This thought is disturbing, and to distract himself, he mindlessly grooms the palomino mare beside him.

    Feather covered hooves carried her down the slop of the Mountain as she moved ahead of Njenyi stopping she looked around them giving a sigh she hopped they would find the rest of the herd as well. Giving a shiver an odd feeling came over her as she looked around the mea
    dow things were different all over the place but no one knew if it was for the best or for the worst she hoped it was for the best as she stood beside Njenyi.
    Feeling his teeth rake across her she went to grooming him in return it at least would keep their minds off the changes that had happened and hopefully keep the worry at bay. "What do we do now?" She moved to rest her head on his back for a little while before returning to grooming his back.

    (Trechery is staying with Njenyi and what ever points she has can go to getting a herd)


    Blood Of Our Fathers

    Having a calm home in the Chamber, despite the presence of Chemdog and other mares that Sreva didn't get along with, had done the pintaloosa wonders. All her life, she'd been a live wire, always worried for when the next predator would sneak around her back and take her life. She'd fought hard to survive and get to this point in her life, whether it'd been against man or beast.

    A little while ago, it had been the latter. Sreva had been wandering around, looking for familiar faces, even if she didn't get along with a large number of her former herd. She'd ended up stumbling across a predator, and had made a break for it. The nerves in her body were still high from Beqanna's recent changes, so it was natural that the mare was going a bit berserk right now. Before the predator even had the chance to give chase, Sreva was a good distance away.

    By the time she got to the meadow, her lungs were heaving, her chest burning from the exertion she'd displayed when running from the predator. She didn't know how long she'd been running, only that she was tired and frightened from all that had happened. The young mare was so distracted, absorbed in her own thoughts that she failed to notice there were two other horses nearby; of course, this could also be due to the fact that she was standing upwind, meaning that she could not detect the scent of the other horses.

    Sreva was so exhausted, she did not even try to find shelter under a tree. The mare tucked in her front legs and laid down among the long meadow grass, laying her head down. Her nostrils flared as she tried to calm herself down, the effort failing miserably as memories of the predator and what Beqanna had gone through continued to creep inside her mind.
    the words she knows the tune she hums

    It was the most fantastic feeling to find her daughter Wallace again, but with that being said it as time to find Njenyi, he was her new stallion and she did not want to get on his bad side so early in the relationship. Sirana was free to do as she pleases but Zara slipped away to find the striped equine.

    She took her time wandering into the meadow but it wasn’t long until she ran into him, she gave a dip of her head and gazed off to the other mares any luck? she asked in regard to the other mares, but it appeared only one other was here now. She gave a sigh curious to what her life would be like now, would they reside in the meadow forever? Would this be there new home? I guess it didn’t matter so long as they had the essentials to live off of.

    the tiny dancer
    After Zaravich had split off with her daughter, Wallace, Sirana had decided to go her own way, accompanied by Aten. Even though Njenyi has assigned the mares to stay together, they weren't alone; each of them had company now. So, while Sirana was out, looking for members of the herd, Aten was by her side, the duo also on the lookout for their dam, Anahi, so Aten could be returned to her.

    Sadly, their efforts were in vain. Despite all their searching, no sign of the champagne mare turned up. Which was odd, even with the horses they asked, considering not many in this land sported the same bright colored coat.

    Sirana told Aten it would be in their best interest, for the time being, to return to her herd and regroup; maybe one of the mares had seen Anahi and had a lead. Sirana would not let her little yearling brother, whom she'd just met, go off on his own unless they had solid evidence of where Anahi was.

    Still, the thought of Njenyi irked the mare. How would he react to a colt that wasn't his in his midst? Sirana knew she would protect him; the question is, for how long would she need to?

    When they got back to the meeting place Nyenji had assigned, Zaravich was there, along with Treachery and Njenyi. Sirana and Aten pulled up with just enough time to catch the black mare's question, one Sirana had an unfortunate answer for.

    "Sadly, I didn't have any luck out there. I didn't find any of the mares from the herd. You?" she asked, being careful to position herself between Aten and Njenyi in case the stallion reacted.

    Yellow ears turned towards the sounds of hoof falls approaching them at a fast pace throwing her head over her stallion's back she watched a paint and spotted mare galloping off the mountain like something was hot on her tail, Trech watched as the mare laid down in the grass giving a snort she let their presents known to the other so she wouldn't spook when she got back up. "Are you ok there dear?" Her head rested on Njenyi's back feeling comfort from him and his closeness.

    Hearing more sounds approaching she turned her head to see two other mares coming towards them, turning her body so she was head to head with the stallion she watched as the others approached. Dipping her head to the others she watched them as the last mare stopped and put herself between an other horse, but hearing her question she didn't think of the other horse. "We haven't found any as well." She had thought the others would of been in the meadow waiting on their leader.


    Blood Of Our Fathers

    Sreva had enough heart attacks for one day; at least, that was her personal opinion. It didn't seem to be the same with the other horses here, horses Sreva hadn't even detected thanks to the wind or her tired senses. She'd been so exhausted coming here that she'd made the mistake of laying down to catch her breath rather than look around to see if anyone else was nearby.

    And now that mistake may cost her.

    Sreva tried to get back to her hooves, but her strength left her. The mare was simply too tired; she could not take it. Though she almost made it, her effort stopped, and the mare fell back to the ground again. She knew that, right now, she would not have any luck moving, so she just laid there, her nostrils flared as she struggled to return her breathing to normal.

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