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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Devils Advocate (For eskil)
    @tagged players
    he bay mare made her way through the field. She hadn't been here but once before after her birth. She had called the forest home for far to long. She was here to find a family to or herd to call hers. She didn't even know where her dam was any more. They had once been very close to each other and did everything together. She was in this land trying to find a place to belong. She would do anything just to find someone to be her friend or companion. She didn't like to be alone like she was now and hoped that this would change today. She was on a search for her sire and her dam. She had only seen him once and hoped that she could meet him yet again. She was a mare on the search for a purpose and has yet to figure out what that purpose is.


    He has been staying in the field these past few nights, seeking out those who may need a place to stay and to safely sleep alone. It wasn't often that he wandered away from larger groups, but he felt as though it was time to gather those who may be looking for the same. And maybe, just maybe.... Together they could find their own way, together of course.

    It was about the time that he was settling under a large oak for a nap that he saw the bay mare and with a rise of his curly haired head his ears prick forward and he inhales slowly before stepping out into the tall rising grass of spring. With a gentle ease his long muscular legs carry him towards her and before too long he is snorting in order to alert her of his approach. "Hello there," His voice slips out between the empty space between them. "My name is Eskil, may I ask you for yours?"

    With that the buckskin colored stallion smiles, coming to stop beside her, making sure to keep his distance and to respect her potential boundaries. He wasn't wanting to make her feel uncomfortable at his quite unusual and bold approach. So he waits for her to notice and respond patiently while watching her, ready to move out of the way were he to have surprised her.


    The four year old bay colored mare smiled at the stallion who had approached her. She said" It is a pleasure meeting you Eskil. My name is Fjorgyn but go by Flora." Her voice was soft and innocent.  She took a few steps closer to the stallion. Her hazel eyes took in the stallions appearance. He was the only stallion she had ever met with the exception of her sire. She had no special colors because of her parents who was both bays. She didn't mind however because she is who she is. She turned her attention back to the stallion. She bowed slowly and her smile widened. She said" Are you new to Beqanna sir?" She had asked him that because he smelled like someone who wasn't born in the lands. She was born here and so was her parents. The mare wandered what the stallion before her is like. She wanted to know a little about the buckskin colored stallion.

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