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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    best have your wits about you [Lavendel]
    Tufted lobes twitch as a crimson fowl squawks at a sapphire one. Long-lashed lids flutter open to witness the two birds diving and darting between the branches. Puff of warm air escapes flared nostrils in a short burst as this pettiness disturbed his nap. Moments later, poll shakes to send tangled tresses, and disgruntled disposition, askew. Weight then shifts evenly over quad limbs before crest arches to draw whiskered muzzle into breast. Entire chassis seems to arch as muscular sinew stretches away the stiffness of rest. Content sigh escapes nares now before hindquarters engage to push obsidian steed into motion. Casual saunter carries refined form along the trail until he locates a patch of lush emerald shoots. Maw extends and, rubbery labrums peel back to reveal lightly stained ivory dentition. Incisors part to grip and crop the soft blades before mandible begins to grind. Process repeats until the patch of grass stands a mere millimeter (or, two but, who is counting) from its roots.
    Once palate is clean and, satisfied, skull lifts and points towards the path male just left. Limbs resume their amble as onyx stallion proceeds through Sylva. Sensitive salmon domes remain alert as the many fragrances of the forest filter through nostrils. Jesper seeks one in particular – that belonging to Lavendel. As of yet, he could not recall an encounter with the cream and white dame. He thought it interesting that she made a point of greeting the newcomers to the fiery-canopied forest and yet, here he finds himself making the first move. When her two-toned bodice comes into his light blue gaze, nicker of greeting emits from vibrating vocal chords. Raven stallion maintains his casual posture and, aquamarine orbs stay soft, as her eyes meet his. From a distance, he could always discern her elegance but, now, standing here in front of her, he could feel an energy pulling him to her. Unshod hooves plant firmly in the loam as Jesper resists his attraction. Distracting himself from his own thoughts, voice breaks the awkward silence between them with words in a soft tone. “You are Miss Lavendel, correct?”

    Out of respect and reverence she bows her head as the ebony stag stops before her. The note of his voice is musical as it carries across the small expanse that separates him, and the woman cant help but smile. 'Miss' had never been a termed used to describe her, but the feeling it brings is rather enjoyable. 

    "Indeed I am, you are Jesper, correct?" 
    Of course she knew who he was, she made it her business to know who inhabited Sylva. Suddenly sadness creeps through her , she realizes quietly she had not welcomed him. Perhaps he had come at a busy time. With a shrug of her shoulders she is gliding forward, closing a bit of the space between them.

    "I hear you have been promoted to hell hound, congratulations. I know you will serve our queen well."
    Like I said, the woman made their business her's. The information was captured and stored for later use, best to keep one's ducks in a row. 
    They are not too uncomfortably close in proximity, though they aren't far away either. She had noticed his eyes wandering quickly, and momentarily she allows herself to do the same. He was beautiful that was for sure, hard muscle encased in beautiful inky packaging. Though, perhaps the most striking piece of all were his eyes. The hues were deeper than the woman's own, more true to sapphire blue and easier to read. Lamb relaxes and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

    "Is there any way I can assist you today?"
    It wasn't a dismissal, in fact it was far from it. She wanted the stallion to keep talking, to stay for a while. As friendly had she had been to her kingdom mates, she felt alone. Maybe his friendship was what the painted woman needed.

    (OOC: I hope its not too bad, I swear my phone posts get worse and worse haha.)
    [Image: lav_by_heyyou80-dc01t5i.png]
    L a v e n d e l
    Light blue gaze notes two-toned female’s soft smile as it pulls at her delicate features. The vibe between the ebony steed and, the two-toned lady, is amicable. With that, any tension in own muscles dissipates. He listens as she correctly addresses him and, allows his dark labrums to curve upwards in a gentle smile. He was far from surprised that she knew his name and rank; after all, knowing the inner workings of the forest were her specialty. However, this was the first time a Sylvian had identified his rank and, it sounded good. Well, actually, the title sounds dark - evil and, ruthless (neither of which he desired to be identified as) - but, good.
    Long-lashed lids flutter closed over glossy pools as tufted lobes swivel casually. He steps away from his internal monologue for a moment to find his voice, smooth and gentle. “Thank you, dear.” Her compliment pulses through his sleek summer pelt and, activates any muscular bulge within his physique. The ink-stained male is animated less by her wandering gaze than, her vote of confidence. Of course, the enhancement could only benefit what she saw. Jesper was not proud by nature but, it sure felt good to bask in it.
    Attention redirects onto Lavendel as her words break their silence. Noble poll dips in a nod before own voice erupts from parted maw. “Well, I have this feeling our duties to Sylva will have us working closely together. I figured we should get to know each other a little better.” How close exactly is up to you, he keeps to himself. Whiskered muzzle extends to offer a gentle greeting though, Jesper realizes the distance is far too great for them to actually bump noses. So, muscled haunches push chassis forwards a few, unimposing (he hopes), steps, to close the gap. Whiskers brush against her tender flesh and, stir a warm tingle amongst his nerve endings. He wanted to touch more but, held back to prevent chasing the mare off with unwanted advances. Softly, the stallion exhales with warm breaths to deliver his musk to her nasal caverns. He waits patiently, hoping she will accept his greeting and, invitation to launch into more conversation.
    I am so sorry to keep you waiting. Lamb is his first encounter with a lady other than family so, he may move awkwardly slow for the sake of being a gentleman. She is welcome to pace things however you feel <3

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