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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Your Only Limit, Is You |Felicitey|

    The wolf traveled in the forest, it had been some time since had visited the nomad land. His life had been occupied by the training Wolfbane gave him, and he was much less unruly, and much more diplomatic since the last time he had lived a nomad life.

    He has visited the nomad lands a few times, for the sole purpose of recruiting, but today it was solely for himself. It was nice to leave Taiga and to visit a nomad land with no ties to it. It reminds him of his childhood, the few weeks that he lived alone with no guidance, and without Bane he certainly would not be living the life he was now.

    It was winter, and the forest was covered in snow, the only splash of color was the evergreen trees that barricaded the land. He glances around as he prances through the snow, each step leaving behind a track, but he wasn't the only one. His eyes catch the paw print of another...a familiar one.

    A smile tugs at his lips, this was a feline print, it was much larger than the last time they had met, but they were both adults now. He follows the prints, stalking in the snow and remaining close to the treeline. He glances around seeking out the pale feline, he knows there are more than one lions out there so he can only hope this is one that he knows.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    It had been a long while since the last she saw any of her friends. Aries went off to Taiga without her and Dracarys went back to the mountain, she wondered often what had become of the two in the last year. She stalked the woods, a thick layer of winter on the ground. Her coat and Dexter’s coat had both grown thicker with the onslaught of cold. This year seemed to be a rather bitter one, the coldest she had experienced so far.

    Her lioness coat was pale against the white backdrop, splattered haphazardly with the rose gold tipping that Djinni had left her after her failed attempted to play with magic. That had not been the only thing she had left, or rather taken from her. Dexter pulled on the tuff of her ear, alerting her that something, or someone was stalking them from behind a scattered conversation of worry left his lips as she stuck her nose to the air. Her nose was speckled with the silver snowflakes that adorned her equine muzzle. In the winter they seemed to brighten just a shade, happy to revel in their claimed season. The snowflakes fizzled out the father away from her nose that one searched, melding and mixing into her golden fur.

    Quickly she picked up the sent that caught the winter wind behind her. It carried him past her nose and she gave a toothy grin as she felt him advance on her. While Dexter set his eyes on their friend much sooner than she did, he sat calmly between the large, slender lioness’ shoulders. Though Aries probably towered over her when in equine form now that they were young adults, in their shifted forms they were more equally matched.

    She turned to him suddenly, simply feeling the change in Dexter’s form alerting her to his nearness. She found him rather slowly with her eyes. They settled on him, one milky, white, and blind, the other brilliant blue, alert, and alluring. She held the perfect mix of beautiful and ugly.
    I would think with all your training you would be better at sneaking up on others. she said teasingly with a soft purr. She noticed now, how the boy she once knew had grown up. He was all shaggy and rugged with muscles that hadn’t existed before giving his once gangly canine body a thicker more attractive appeal. Her rose gold tipped ears turned attentive towards Aries as a slow sultry smile crossed her feline lips.   


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    He stalked through the snow, though he was no feline and each step crunched with the white snow on the ground. She was in sight now, though he second guesses it being a familiar face as the lioness is now tipped with a rose gold coloring.

    Though his doubts fade when a familiar monkey is barely seen on her back. He smiles and continues to stalk but unamused rises up when she speaks to him. She heard him, and she lets him know.

    He playfully rolls his eyes as he prods up before her It's not fair when you have a companion! He teases the girl, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

    How have you been? It has been some time. He admits, and the lioness was full grown now. He catches the snowflakes that appear to be bursting for acknowledgement, something he hadn't noticed as a pup. He wonders what she had been doing all this time, his nares attempt to pick up the scent of a territory on her pelt.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    Felicitey rolls her shoulders in amusement as Dexter jumps from her back, landing in snow that was almost as deep as him to roll around. Winter was his favorite season, or at least the soft, white, frozen, bursting snowflakes were his favorite. Just as quickly he jumped back to Felicitey’s back a small snowball clutched in his tiny fist. As he flashes a small toothy grin at Aries he attempts to throw the soft ball of snow at him but it curves wide and misses him completely.

    She watches him with her one good blue curiously. He looked like someone who belonged somewhere that wasn’t here and the idea pulled at a string in her heart to tightly wound. When they had first met, they both belonged nowhere and everywhere all at once. It has been some time, indeed. I probably would never have been able to recognize you, but fortunately your feet stink just the same as the day I met you. she teases again flicking her tail lazily side to side against a nearby bush, releasing all the pent up snowflakes. I’m not going to lie, I’ve definitely been better. she hummed as she moved closer to Aries, her head cocked to the side so that her milky, white eye rolled lazily in its socket.

    Seems I got a little to adventurous, met a woman who wasn’t impressed. she rolled her bright blue eye as she gestured to the other blind one with her large golden paw. Haven’t settled anywhere, though I was thinking about making a trip up to Taiga after I took care of some business. She knew he would wonder, all curious things would, but all he would sense is the sweet and salty mix of meadow and Pangea. An unintentional leash, her homelands were. The last time Aries and her had talked it had been about escaping this part of Beqanna and exploring her options. Who knew then that she would have half her vision ripped away for simply not finishing a game? It seemed to put quite a pin in all of her plans she had. How lame she must seem now


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    Aries' gaze flicks to the monkey who jumps off Felicitey and into the snow. He cocks an eye, what an odd creature, enjoying the horrendous snow. But still, he finds its amusing and a small chuckle escapes his maw before he turns back to Felicitey.

    The lioness speaks, and though time has past she is just the same as always. Although, she seems to have gained a bit of sarcasm, but he likes it. He laughs at her remark, I can't believe it took you this long to find me, shouldn't have been hard to track me down. He grins, though he mentions it lightly. He had been busy training with Bane, with little time for friends.

    Though when she speaks again and notes that she had been better he grows slightly alarmed. She was his first friend in this lonely world, and he wonders what she had been through since they last met. She continues, telling him she had run into an equine, one who left her with permanent damage. His eye follows to her cloudy one, BLIND?! He is at a loss for words, how could this happen? What did she do to piss someone off so bad?

    Who did this? And why!? The words come spilling out of his mouth, he has to know what happened. But Felicitey lightens the conversation, noting that she had plans to visit Taiga, and after learning what she had been through he hopes that she will in fact come there. Come back with me, you can live with us. Its a territory with plenty of equines, all respectable and kind. His gaze finds her, serious as it was time for her to find a place to call home.

    Your Only Limit Is You


    She laughs lightly at his surprise and outburst, Wow, I didn’t know you’d care so much. Again with the teasing, it seemed that was the only way she knew how to dull the intensity of what had really happened to her. There had been a moment after Djinni had taken the last of her confidence where the certainty of her being stuck in the meadow and never being anything more than the blind, deaf beautiful girl in the meadow had crashed over her like a thousand tons of crisp, freezing waves.

    She had spent days, weeks, in a depression of her own making. She trudged up the side of the mountain on the lowest of days where life had not been worth living if all it meant was a pale blue flower and red clay dirt. The mountain had not answered her, in fact she had spent many, many hours atop the cold white rock. She had waited until the tips of her ears burned from the cold.

    She smiled softly at Aries, her bright blue feline eye softening at his questions of how and who. Her name is Djinni. She was beautiful, and wicked, and smart, and … surprising. The intentions of the game were clear, I was just young and dumb, and maybe it wasn’t a game at all.

    Her eyes widened in surprise when he asked her to come back with him, or more so demanded that she does. She was quite for a while as she looked from Aries, to the ground, to the distant horizon where the mountain lay just as quietly as it had when she had visited it. Her eyes reclaimed their place on Arie’s face. Did he want her to come with him because he cared? She had seen the concern on his face, but she also saw the taut muscles that graced his frame from the months of training with Wolfbane, and sense the more direct and diplomatic tone in his voice. Was he just trying to gather his first recruit? Would he tote her around behind him like a trophy.

    She shook her head softly, I need to travel to the mountain once more before I leave this life behind me. she paused taking in a few short, shallow breaths. The escaping heat puffing into a cloud of intimacy between them. Would you go there with me if I were to follow you back to your home? she said quietly on nervous tones her blue eye catching his hazle ones. They were rimmed in a watery, icy rings, he was serious in tone and she was just as serious in her plea to venture to the mountain with her. When they were young he had taken her into a deep dark cave, filled with beautiful stone walls and black bats that hung in the crevasses but now she asks him to help her scale high, above the skies so that she might be beautiful and useful once again.


    who do you think you are? collecting your jar of hearts.


    He chuckles at the pale lioness, his first friend since he was abandoned by his parents. Of course he wanted to see her again, but she wasn't to blame, he had been busy with his own training.

    Though when she mentions being harmed by another she goed on to tell him about the equine. Djinni, and Felicitey goes on to lisr admiration for her but Aries was too consumed in memorizing the name. A name that if he ever put a face to it, would not end peacefully.

    More importantly he asks her to come back to Taiga, she shouldn't be alone, because apparently that leaves her in harms way. He asks, and she ponders the question, the pair glancing at each other for moments until she finallu responds. She says she needs to travel to the mountain, and then she asks him to come to the mountain with her. Agreeing to return to Taiga, if he would go to the mountain with her.

    A grin tugs at his lips and he grows closer to the lioness, Of course! I'd never let you go alone! He was much older this time around, he wouldn't leave her alone again. He brushes past her allowing there pelts to mesh together, should we go now!? His eyes were bright with excitement.

    Your Only Limit Is You


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