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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    You're Going to Hear me Roar[Any]

    Venturing from home for a young foal was not wise but honestly being in his home wasn't safe either.  His parents constantly at each other's throats.  Ripping flesh from bone and the crimson liquid poured upon Pangea soil.  That was Pangea though.  Always in a state of destruction.  He needed to escape...

    The landscape here was far different from that of his birthplace.  It's terrain thick with rich grasses. Speckled with a multitude of colored flowers unlike anything that grew in the wastelands. Not much grew there at all.  As he walked about the lands he found a calming peace here.  He didn't fear for his safety but living in Pangea you didn't fear much.  So he walked to the top of the highest hill and rested in the soft grasses.  The sun warming his black fluffy coat.  Curling his head into his body as his blue gaze faded...

    Doesn't the blue flame burn hotter? 

    Ooc: copied the wrong HTML code... Blah.  Too complicated to try to fix now XD

    Sabriyya Amin
    The Cherry Blossom
    Hooves crunched the grass quietly as she moved across the meadow. Her wings were spread out slightly as she trotted, Coming to a stop for a second, the winged mare nibbled at her wings for a moment, pulling out a feather that had gotten twisted around in her wings. Satisfied that her wings were better, Sabriyya continued on in her trek. Spotting a large stone, the mare grinned. Spreading her wings out most of the way, she cantered up the stone. Reaching the edge, Sabriyya lauched herself off the edge and into the sky as she spread her wings completely. 

    Soaring around for a bit, the mare spotted the foal curled up on the tall hill. The silver bay mare dipped her wings downward, moving down towards the colt. Landing gently on the ground, Sabriyya went towards the colt. "Hello there, little one." She said gently with a soft smile. "Where are your parents?" The mare asked, tucking her wings against her sides.


    Dont get too close

    As he escaped the world around him and into that of his fantasies he was free.  Free from the turmoil he had been casted into.  Why did they fight all the time?  Was it because of him? NO! Go away thoughts... He was free here. Or was he? Ugh

    Just as his internal struggle surfaced his eyes shot open.  Sky blue gaze fell upon another who had neared him as he slept.  Her soft words were definitely not of his mothers.  Tiny head raised to view the stranger better.  She was a curious looking thing with strange limbs coming out from her sides.  He wondered what they were for a moment before he realized where he was and probably wasn't supposed to be.  Had they come looking for him?  He rose quickly on his silver limbs and glanced about worriedly.  If it had been his father looking for him he wouldn't be able to see him anyhow... That is until he wanted to be seen.

    Looking back up to the mare he answered in a hurried tone, "I shouldn't be here.  You shouldn't be talking to me.  If they find me they will find you here with me.  You don't want to be here when they find me."  His eyes shifted again as a step was taken backwards.  She seemed to kind to be in his world.  Father would have too much fun with her...


    hold me in this wild, wild world
    'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
    He is going to walk on by them. The boy is almost too young for his current project, after all, and should by rights still be at his mother’s side; and the mare is already there, cooing her delight, and if she’s not his mother, she’ll probably see him right back to his family. Brennen is ready to walk on, to find someone else to recruit, but the boy’s voice carries to him and stops him, and the stallion closes his eyes for a moment, something in the colt’s voice sending a shiver up his spine.

    So the pegasus turns back to them, walks a few steps to close the difference, taking a good look at the kid through his amber-brown eyes and throwing the mare (who apparently isn’t the kid’s mom) a cursory glance before he simply settles his heavy gaze on the kid. “I’m Brennen,” he introduces himself, offering a little half-smile, but it doesn’t settle. Unlike the bubbly mare between them, Brennen isn’t kind. At least, nothing in his demeanor right now says he is – nothing in his posture right this minute says he is anything except the over-protective warrior stallion that he has made himself into. The goofy, beloved grandfather, the man who has mostly given up actual battle for the pretense of being ‘elderly’ is tucked away deep somewhere within. The Brennen on the outside is the one who thinks what he is hearing is a child who’s been threatened.

    “You know,” he says it almost conversationally, forcing himself to gentle his tone just a bit. Just enough to say ‘I’m dangerous, but it’s not you I’m a danger to’. “You don’t have to stay anywhere you don’t want to stay. Anywhere that’s not exactly safe. There are people who would help you.”
    hold me in this wild, wild world
    and in your heat I feel how cold it can get

    Dont get too close

    As he had been speaking to the mare... No warning her, he was backing a step away.  Blue eyes shifting from hers upon him and to the ground.  If Father saw this he would not be happy... Or maybe he would be happy.... Happy to have another toy to play with...

    Just as he had taken another step back a rough voice was heard and his eyes shot up as his ears fell back.  If it had been a cackle he heard a shiver would have crawled up his spine.  This voice though was deep and rough but not in a cruel way.  Blue eyes starred upwards upon another winged equine as he introduced himself.  A quiet "Hi" was all that he could muster up from inside himself.  His thoughts racing to it not being safe to speak to him...

    The stallions next words sparked his interest... How was it possible that he did not have to stay?  A light lit within his multi blue-tones eyes at the thought of it.  For a moment he was hopeful and his words were naive, "Really?  I don't have to stay?" His mind churned at the possibility but his hopefulness was short lived.    His mother was trapped there and his Father would either kill her for him not returning or fetch him himself.   Wreaking havoc on all who tried to stop him with much pleasure.  He could not make others suffer for him.  His eyes shifted down again as he hung his head low.  His meek voice barely heard, "No I must return.  Father is calling me.  He will find me and he will not stop until he has what he wants.". 

    His head craned back to the direction he came.  Knowing he must go but his legs buckled at the thought...



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