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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Dark Side of the Moon[Open]

    When his life had begun, in his mothers prison cell, he knew nothing but darkness.  Shivering in a nook in the stone wall, a steady drip of water dampening his blotchy coat, he knew nothing of warmth.  It wasn't until that fateful day, that his mother had tricked a mare into her cell, that he had come to know the light.  It came in the form of a simple creature.  Without extravagant features or striking hues.  He had learned at a young age, power and beauty came from within.

    He lived his life after that day by the side of the charcoal mare, Amorette.  Grazing the fields of Tephra, exploring the volcano and walking the beaches to the northwest.  Accompanied also by his sister, Kolera, who had secured his stay here.  He was ever grateful to each of the mares.  They hadn't needed to take him in.  They could have left him to drown in the channel as his mother had wished.  So each day he didn't dwell on the past.  His sister had engrained this into him.  He lived life if each day was his last.


    As a yearling now, he was small for his age.  Lanky and awkward.  His set of skinned wings hung at his sides as he looked down upon the lands, perched atop a boulder.  They were becoming less cumbersome with each day.  Learning to control them took great focus and he practiced every day.  Climbing onto the rock, of which he stood now, to unfold them and allow the breeze to lift them into the sky.  His sister had no wings, nor did Amorette so of what he knew of flight was learned by trial and error.  It would have been so much easier to be taught. 

    With a rising and lowering of the limbs, he hovers easily.  The large span of wing was unmatched to his petite body and his weight easily lifted.  It was the strength to control such a large expanse that often sent him tumbling into the grass and dirt.  Today was no different and as his body went airborne the breeze shifted, sending him into a downward spiral and crashing into the earth.  


    Spending most of his time alone practicing, he rarely found embarrassment in his failures.  He was used to falling, so he'd pick himself up and shake the dust from his coat to try again.  With each attempt he grew more determined and with each failure, more stubborn.  "Come on Kryptic.  You can do this!" 

    Climb, lift, breeze, fall; repeat

    It was a vicious cycle.  When the day drew to a near close and the sun dipped towards the tropical canopy, he decides to venture back towards home.  There was a well worn path leading back to the heart of the kingdom.  He often met residents along the path, offering a friendly smile but most didn't bother with the young boy with bat wings.  Finding the very path now he begins to walk along it.  His mismatched eyes curious to find if anyone would be passing him by this evening...

    Dark Side of the Moon
    She had been working on her landing, and diving today, but things kinda sorta got carried away and she ended up away from the family’s little island. Father would probably not be happy when he found her wandering around outside of their cozy home, but heading back to face the music is something that she is dragging her feet over. Even if its starting to get dark, she wants something to show them. At least if she is being productive, then maybe the lecture won’t be so bad.

    She COULD just fly straight home and have it over with, but she chooses to take a well-worn path that meanders through Tephra instead hoping to use the excuse that she was to tired from practicing to hurry her little fuzzy butt home. Just as she thinks that maybe it would be better to hurry along, a boy with wings begins to walk towards her.

    She perks up a little with the prospect of meeting someone else who can fly; but as always, the girl keeps a demur posture upon first introductions. In a quiet voice, Hello, I’m Valensia, she looks up into his eyes, her own honeyed ones searching for a reaction, wondering what would happen. Her life seems to be surrounded by boys, and she feels quite comfortable as an only female, in fact she worries a little bit about meeting another girl. She likes the special treatment, and often times finds herself looking for more. If another girl comes along, what if she takes some of that attention from Val?

    The black roan coat gleams against the last rays of sun, all three of the siblings have a vanity problem, and usually end up keeping each other’s coats and hair detangled and shining. Other people might see it as strange or spoiled, but to her it was just an expression of a very affectionate family. Plus its great for keeping her appearance nice and flashy.

    “And there was you - your fair self,
    always delicately dressed,
    with white firm fingers sure of touch
    in delicate true work.
    I loved you then.”
    - Charlotte Gilman


    There wasn't many others he has met in Tephra and even fewer sported wings, so when another equine moves along the same path before him with such features he is slightly taken aback.  Stopping near dead in his tracks as the young girl approaches and offers a greeting rather easily.  Slack-jawed and wide eyed, he looks to her face.  Aqua eyes finding her warm honey brown but no words leak from his lips.  He had rarely had strangers greet him and even more rare a girl.  Yeah he spent most of his days with Amorette and his sister but not any near his age.  His mind begins to wrap around the fact that he is starring(possibly drooling) in an unpolite manner.

    With a large gulp of air(courage), he regains composure slightly, "Hello." It is the only word from his wide vocabulary that spills forth.  Followed by an awkward grin.  Name you idiot, give her your name! "Oh yes. Umm. I'm Kryptic," miraculously he finds more words that jumble together to form barely a sentence. Nice Kryptic. Smooth.

    Dark Side of the Moon

    @[Valensia] short cuz he's beyond his comfort level here apparently XD

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