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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    pick apart the pieces you left | Diplomats, Any


    infinity overhead

    and i whisper, are you listening?

    She’s starting to get a hang of this flying thing. It’s not great, not even close to graceful. But at least she can get her hooves off the ground now. So she takes the old fashioned mode of transportation and walks to the Valley with her prowling gait. Usually she had no respect for borders but with so many things balancing on a thin string, it’s best to be more safe than sorry. Her golden eyes take in the strange kingdom, one she can’t recall ever seeing before. Perhaps she had back in her Kahleesi days and her shifty mind just can’t remember. What she does remember is the new Kings name. She’s pretty sure it’s the same guy, the guy she had met in the Meadow with their shared jaguar spots. Now she had her own feathery wings, another similarity. She wonders what he will make of her new appendages. Grimacing slightly at the thought he might think she is copying him. As if. Ruffling her feathery spotted wings, she waits quietly for someone to approach her and invite her in. Her guard is still up, the Chamber was not far from here and she expects only the worse from that kingdom with the way things had been going between them. So she waits silently but not quite so patiently.  

    (This is gross sorry)


    Thorunn was not a diplomat.

    Her parents were of the fighting class - awkward warriors with short speeches and choppy sentences. They often left the meaning of their discussion hidden, choosing that stereotypical facade of being a hard ass. Thorunn tried to mimic her orange eyed father and his stoic nature. He was so heartless, it seemed, with that dark black coat and ugly features. Of course she idolized the sycophant as he tried to groom her to be his replacement. How long did he know he was dying, she wondered? And did mother? Did they know they would both abandon her and her twin sister within a year of each other?

    They didn't die of a broken heart, they died because of time. Of age. Of the immortality that left him the minute the twins were born. Neither twin realized this. Covet did. The minute Thorunn fell and broke her neck and stood a minute later Covet felt a weight he'd never felt before. Aches. Pains. Old wounds coming back to haunt him. His immortality gone so Thorunn could live.

    It was all borrowed time, really.

    And they didn't give Thorunn any real skills to speak of - at least not diplomatically. When it came to the finer points of being in a kingdom Thorunn was at a loss. She could take down anyone who crossed her. She could - most likely - hold her own in any combat situation. But speak to another creature? She tried so hard to emulate her father but without seeing how he interacted with others...it was a daunting task. She found herself drowning without a real personality to call her own. Just a mirror of her dad, while being the spitting image of her mom.

    She shouldn't be hard to see - copper colored, orange eyed, young and lithe and still pretty. Her demeanor is both stoic but childish, wandering toward the mare who crossed the border and her large wings and jaguar spots with curiosity reserved for the very young. And naive. Aren't all children that are absolutely loved naive? Despite her training she was sheltered, her large orange eyes taking in the wings. It's not until she's fully investigated them (from a distance, but still within sight) that she remembers her father - stoic. Cold. Detached.

    "Hello, I am Thorunn," she says, her voice a false deadpan. "Are you new here?" She hasn't learned to identify smells of other kingdoms or even realize what they meant. Of course, if she hadn't seen her before she'd come from somewhere else. And to live, right?

    Winter is newly arrived but she hasn't reared her ugly head, thanks the gods. I don't mind winter. The weather is good for flying and my wings insulate me enough when I'm sleeping that I don't feel like an icicle. And winter is especially good for when I am pregnant, because this child is making me overheated. I swear to god if it is another flame baby I'm dropping the little darling off with Kushiel. We'll see how much he likes being burned by an out of control baby.

    Truthfully, he'd probably love it.

    I am not too large yet, and my grace is as lacking as it was before I got knocked up. Basically, I probably just look like I ate too much in preparation for winter. Chubby is not really my look. I prefer my sleek muscles and nondescript bay coat. It makes me blend in, and seem like less of a threat. Whereas pregnancy? Yeah, that was designed to make you stick out like a semi.

    Still, despite my lack of size I have mostly grounded myself. I don't have the energy or the inclination and for some very weird reason, this kid is making me afraid of heights. Joy upon joy, bearing brats is.

    I notice the winged mare on the border with interest.(Anything to distract me at this point.) Apparently she's new to owning wings. I remember those days. I was three before I received my wings and I think I may still have the scar from my first flight. Ya think those things will just come to you and they don't. Like, broken anklebone don't.

    Thorrun, a young mare I've seen but not spoken with, shows up first. I catch the tail end of her words as I trot closer.

    "She's an Amazon." I interject, a tad grumpy. It isn't anyone's fault. Unfortunately, grumpy is just one of the side effects of children. Which is why this one is definitely my last. "So I'm pretty sure she's just visiting. A diplomatic visit, I bet."

    I turn my attention to Tantalize. "Gallows. Welcome to the Valley. Are you just here to tell us about Lagertha on the throne, or is there more?"

    So sorry to steal your thunder, darling, but I've had that news for weeks now.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

    ooc: this. I don't know what this is. I'm sorry. next one will be better; i wanted to get something up!

    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    Fennick’s new responsibility sat heavily on his shoulders, but it didn’t seem like a burden. It did, however, mean that more was required of him. He need to be better, he needed to endeavor to deserve it. More importantly, telling himself that someone else would do it was no longer a valid option. Certainly, someone else would do it, but the assumption could not be made. The Gates had assumed they were safe, and look how that turned out.

    And so it began with this meeting. The large black stallion already wore his new wings like a cloak, though he had yet to use them for anything other than decoration. He would need some practice, before he bucked the rules of gods and men. Despite Fennick’s determination to be better, he couldn’t help the wave of relief that washed over him when Thorunn and Gallows beat him to the punch. Fennick wasn’t about to pretend to be a diplomat. Gallows, he knew, would say the right thing for their home. Fennick could be a helpful shadow. He slipped in next to the mares and offered them a hesitant smile.

    “Thorunn, Gallows, it’s good to see you.”
    And truly, he meant it, and not just because they could do most of the talking. He would, of course, add his two cents should they be necessary.

    He then turned his attention to the amazon mare, and this greeting was not so easy. He looked at her with interest. She smelled like the rainforest, like climbing vines and ancient trees. To Fennick, the Amazons seemed very mysterious, and he couldn’t help but be intrigued to see one in his home.

    “I’m Fennick.” He said it quietly, and looked to Gallows. Her words caused a smile to tug up at his lips. She was very blunt, this one, and he found he liked it because it was so contrary to his own nature. Someone had to say what they were all thinking.

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son
    you say I'm crazy, but I think I'm freaking amazing.
    He had remembered her the moment he saw the jaguar girl. Her spots were the first thing he had recognized within the group of gathering diplomats. "Tantalize," he spoke her name as he emerged from the treeline and stepped towards the group. The last time he had seen the amazon had been when he had made a trip to the amazons in search of a break from the his daily duties and to broaden his horizens. The jaguar pair's meeting had been a simple one. Enough for them to realize where both were from and that they may somehow be related. How of course, being a continued mystery.

    Carefully he steps up next to Thorunn in a show of support. Her learning would take time as it all had done for them at some point in their lives. With a nod towards the younger girl and then Gallows and Fennick in greeting, he looked towards Tantalize. "That she is," a smile tugs at the corner of his graying lips as he rolls his shoulders slightly. Looking to Thorunn, he nods then speaks quietly enough as not to interrupt anyone. "Do not worry Thorunn, you too will learn, and maybe someday be even better." Always needing to encourage his kingdoms members, he hopes she realizes the encouragement for what it was, and not for something it wasn't.

    Like he saw it in the rest, he saw the potential in Thorunn. And he wanted her to know it. Gallows was typically quite blunt, and like the rest he had learned to appreciate her grumpy yet straight forward nature. "Fennick, Gallows, thank you for welcoming our guest. But I think we should invite her inside, yes?" Stepping back he turned just enough to gesture towards the path that led towards the center of the kingdom. "With the current unrest filling the air, it may not be best to be out here like sitting ducks don't you think?"

    With a soft chuckle, he winks slightly then waits for them to move inside the borders. Being amonst the trees would also lead to more privacy. Something that was highly sought after these days. Especially since the ways of prying eyes were constantly changing in order to match the times. It was always hard to tell if there was someone lurking in the shadows or even the trees, trying to find out the workings of ones meeting.

    Once they had all moved inside he followed suit, joining their small gathering. He placed himself inbetween Thorunn and Tantalize before speaking once more. "How can we help you today, Tantalize?"

    demian; the jaguar king



    infinity overhead

    and i whisper, are you listening?

    One by one they come. More than she expected really. First was a young filly and she gives her ghost of a smile to the girl who asks if she is new here. There is no chance to answer, an older mare has followed. She’s a little fat in the middle so the jaguar mare assumes she is with child. As Gallows stands next to Thorrun, it gives her a jarring reminder of the children she had birthed and forgotten. A jolt of guilt stabs her heart, wondering for a moment whatever happened to Vindictive and Bardot. Of Cersei who had been left with her two-faced father. The thought of Lion still wounded her deeply, still brought a mixed range of emotions such as anger and pain and sorrow. It flickers in the depths of gold but she easily pushes it away. She had gotten quite good at blocking out bad memories and burying them deep within her.

    Gallows might be the most blunt mare she has ever met. Others would be offended by her brash words but she’s not. Instead she finds the whole thing amusing and it reflects on her features, a wiry smile replacing the faint one. Her lips part to speak but yet another one approaches. Fennick, a black stallion with an incredible set of wings. Her own ruffle at her side as she gives him an appreciative look. She wonders if he knows how to use his wings or is just as clumsy as she is. It’s a frustrating thing, how she wishes she had mastered these things already.

    Last but not least is Demian and here she can’t help but grin, a very non characteristically thing for her to do. However the jaguar stallion is different to her than anyone else she’s ever met. There is something there that makes her feel the most at ease with him. The man who shares her spots. ”Demian.” She greets before looking at the others assembled. ”You sent me quite the welcoming committee. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” A soft laugh as she accepts his invitation and follows him into the kingdom. Truly grateful that he has brought her into safety, not having to look behind her every ten seconds and see if Gryffen or the rest of his Chamber lackeys were on her tail. As they settle into the heart of the kingdom, she can finally speak. ”Gallows was it? Well Gallows had it mostly right. I’m here to inform you of the change in our leadership although it’s apparently old news.” Her golden eyes glitter in the King’s direction, it was rather funny that she hadn’t discovered he was a King till after they had met. As if that was a secret he could keep to himself.

    Taking a look around, she eyes the kingdom appreciatively. ”Nice place. I’ve never been here before. You’ll have to catch me up on the history of your kingdom one day.” There’s no need to mention that she probably should have been here before, considering she had once lead the Amazons and should have visited every kingdom during her time on the throne. It’s a hard thing though, travel, when one is constantly defending and building their own kingdom. ”Anyways, I’ve also come to see where the Amazons and the Valley stands these days. We both have had a change in rulers and perhaps new terms need to be set or destroyed.” Her words are matter of fact, this was straight business. If they were connected to the Chamber then surely there would be a conflict of interest and this is the most important piece of information she needs to collect.

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