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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Family Gathering


    She is ever the doting matron when the situation calls, and she does not fall short now.  Cooing, coddling the others, warming them with her smile.  Her concern lights with sincerity because he knows that, like himself, she can not bear the harm of her own.  Not from some outsider, not without cause.  Even then the thought is an unwelcome one.

    The Children of the Cove were much more than a family, they were a Legacy.  They were hers, all of them, and one of them divulges snippets of his condition.   Raelynx.  The charcoaled brother, in all sense of the word.  A God.  Remade.  His eyebrow arches as he looks sidelong at Nicia.  There was only one true God, and that was their Father- the Cove could be sure of that.

    Everything is surreal.  Kirin feels as though he is watching a movie of some strangers life, the events that unfold are foreign, unexpected.  One moment they are all there tolerating, if not enjoying, one another's company.  The next moment Kult steps between the others, nipping at Nicia, and igniting Kirin's fuse.  Later, the lavender stallion would recall the events as though they happened in slow motion.  Like a reflex, he snaps his head in the direction of his younger brother.  His eyes are wide, and burn with a silver fire.  If he looks confused, it's because he is.  Kirin isn't able to fathom such an action.  Not from Kult of all others, not towards Nicia.  Kult was the most devoted, the first to follow unquestioningly in their faith.  A vessel of perfection in most ways, do as one is instructed, do not question, take pride in the performance.

    Anger.  It's all he feels when his own flesh and blood would attack one another, however slight the action.  The twilight colored stallion can not allow it to happen without consequence.  He knocks into Kult, shoving the bay so he seems to skid across the cliff, away from the others.  Part of him wanted to hurt his little brother, the other told him not to, that it would be beneath him.  A point had to be made though, it was unlawful to let the deed slide.  "How dare you!"  He scowls, bellowing at the dejected looking colt.  "Have you forgotten the face of your Father?"  He flicks his tail in irritation, boring his gaze into Kult's head- if looks could kill.  He wondered what the hell had gotten into the boy, what would insight such utter disrespect.

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove

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