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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Me myself and I.
    Pot Of Cream trotted in to the area.Was this his place,she was sure it was.She laid down and was excited to be with a stallion and hopefully be having a foal with him.She looked around at the surroundings.Her Cremello colour glimmering in the sunlight.She rolled around in the dirt and let out a loud neigh.She then stopped and got up,she shook off the extra dirt and looked around for him.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    ooc: I wrote some of this before I saw you'd posted, but I changed it so it fit better Smile

    Though she's headed in the right direction, Njenyi keeps close behind her, nudging her now and again with his muzzle or his chest, guiding her towards the Ridge. If they pass other stallions he pins his ears warning and snaps at the air, pressing closer to the pale mare with a possessive air. He'll not let her be taken away so quickly, not now that she is under his protection.

    Njenyi feels that the horses of Beqanna tend to talk rather than use the language of their bodies the way he knows best, but he had heard the golden mare speaking earlier. Does she expect him to talk to her? Probably.

    "What's your name?" he asks, his voice rough with lack of use and heavily accented. He knows how to speak, even if he'd rather remain silent, but his first language is not the English spoken by the Beqanna horses, but rather the language of his herd.

    They move quickly, Njenyi warning off other stallions and eyeing up other mares for potential, and soon enough they have reached the edge of the land that he has claimed. It was abandoned by its old inhabitants, but not for any reason Njenyi can see. There is food and water aplenty, and the cliffs sparkle with a pretty rainbow of precious stones.

    "Home," he says gruffly, and gestures toward the land, clearly wanting her to explore. She's rolled in the dirt, and he reaches out without thinking to groom her, the way he would any member of the herd.
    "My name is Pot Of Cream but you can call me Pot."she loved they way he protected her but one thing that bothered her was that,he wanted other mares as well.She knew in her other herd outside Bequanna,that every mare should like each other.She didn't like the other mares here.She walked up to the stallion and nuzzled him.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    She speaks quickly, but he understands. "Pot," he repeats. "Pot."

    Satisfied, he nods his head. "I'm Njenyi."

    He returns her nuzzle with a press of his broad cheek to her withers. There is a bit of twig tangled in her mane and he pulls is out with a tug of his teeth. He doesn't know what she is thinking or that she dislikes his desire for other mares. Njenyi is a simple herd stallion. He will always be happiest with a herd full of mares, pregnant or with a child of his siring by their sides. A mothering mare is a happy mare, and he nudges curiously at Pot's belly. There's no way he will feel a foal - they had only mated a few hours earlier - but he is proud and wants Pot of Cream to know it too.
    She was in sure if the nudge but turned around and looked at her belly and then remembers.Her life was with him and then there foal and many to come.She wanted to ahve more foals with him as long as he stayed with her for the whole time.She felt a tiny kick in her belly but knew it couldn't be the foal yet.Teh foal would start to form over the first few days and then would start to grow over the last few days of pregnancy.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    Her face lit up.She wanted to hide it from the stallion for as long as she could.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    he returns her nuzzle with a gentle nudge of his own: She is affectionate, but it will take more than that to ensure they survive the winter. More eyes is a safer herd and he is thinking of heading back to the Feild.

    When her eyes light up he is curious, and gives a snort that clearly means "What?"
    "Nothing."she kept trying to hide it.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:
    Snorting irritably, Njenyi turns away. He does not have time to play Mare Games, and he is not inclined to humor her. Pot of Cream is carrying his foal and belongs to him, but he doesn't care much about keeping her emotionally stimulated. That is the responsibility of other mares.

    He'll have to find more of them, he decides. They can keep her busy.

    Noticing a particularly bright patch of sunlight, the red and white stallion moves away from Pot of Cream. He won't make her talk.
    She lays down as she feels a kick of the foal "ouch!"she tried not to make too much of a sound,that would startle him.
    :cool: Speed Is Key!!!-Jacksepticeye :cool:

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