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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Leaves compared with flowers (Any)

    Natures first green is gold

    Her second winter in Beqanna was much different than her first. Her first winter had been lonely, cold and unwelcoming, while her second here in Tephra had been much more mild and there had been company to help warm up even the most chill night. She had yet to make what she would call a friend amoung her herd mates.

    The small lady picked her way carefully along the edge of some newly solidified rocks - heat still emanated from the dark stone.  The fae had quickly become used to the odd things that seemed to happen in Tephra due to the volcano, including warm weather most of the year and water that smelled and tasted more than a bit odd. The weather she enjoyed, between that and the good soil there was always food even in the dead of winter. The water had taken some getting used to, and on one occasion bubbles of concentrated smell had erupted from the river in an angry, smelly show of force.

    The flaxen chestnut mare managed to pick her way along the the newly formed rocks until she cameto a place she had designated as her own simply by her almost constant presence there. It was simply a small grassy area next to the water with a small tree close by that provided shade. An area near the tree was almost worn to the earth because Spice was in the process of turning it into a dust bath. At this time of year Spice found her coat very itchy as the began to shed her winter coat and rubbing against the tree and rolling were some of the few methods she had to relieve the sensation.  A noise alerted Spice that someone was intruding on her little space, she glanced over her shoulder to see who had followed her.

    Pumpkin Spice

    Oh, how much Rael secretly longed for the ability to fly. Not specifically for wings, but just.. To be able to dodge about clouds and to twirl and to reach the summit of the local volcano. Ah.. She daydreamed as she walked, not aware she had started to follow someone on the path towards the mountain again, not thinking of what might happen to them all if said volcano erupted. Could it erupt - or was it forever dormant? She did not know, and didn't want to kill herself finding out.

    Rael wouldn't risk her life next to lava just to see if a large mass of rock would spew said lava out..!

    As she cleared her mind and focused on the present again, Rael saw the horse in front of her look back and notice her. "It's been a pretty good day, yes?" She asks the other, recalling they were one of the newer members. Her form reminded her of the mare she lost the title Head of War to, but she wouldn't let prejudice get in the way of her finding a potential friend in this mare.

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