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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Let's Play a Game[Steal attempt post]
    So maybe that was a bad way of explaining it, sorry. Your character doesn't actually have to know the horse they are stealing or the things about them, it's just limited to stuff they *could* know.

    The rules we have now are actually more detailed than the original rules, so I'm not sure how much more detail we can add. But if you guys have ideas, we are always open whenever those ideas strike.

    Also, I just recommend practice and asking questions. It's often the best way to figure it out. Smile
    Kyra explained it well - I just wanted to add that if specific situations arise like this one, that's when I recommend emailing an officer or owner going "hey, I wanted to use ____ aspect of a character as a steal clue, would that be valid?" Then we can solve it on the front end before you put all your hard work and creativity into a steal. We're never going to be able to account for every unique situation in the rules alone, which is why we welcome questions, because I promise you we would also rather things be figured out proactively rather than reactively!

    1. Clues can be to any information found in the member database directly about a horse (i.e. color, breed and not sibling/pedigree), a horse's name, the land they live in (name or description), and the leader of that land (leader clues can include character information found in the database and name clues).
    So maybe say...

    1. Clues can be information found in the member database directly about a horse (color/pattern, breed, physical defects and expressed traits), a horse's name, the land they live in (name or description), and the leader of that land (leader clues can include character information found in the database and name clues).
    Removing "any" and adding specifics can make it clear cut and there is no guessing what "any information found in member database" really means.  I also realize we can message you guys but it wasn't a question in my mind because it says "any".  Yes it has two examples "i.e." but I read that as just examples not can only do.  

    Also I had this happen with my first steal where in the middle of it Taiga was destroyed and my steal was then invalid.  I get why cuz my IC kingdom was gone but I also checked the away board before I posted this one and looked for any new threads on kingdom boards.  As of when I posted this nothing was posted that Ea wasnt leader of Ischia.  I'd have expected at least a kingdom thread saying... Hey, I'm leaving... At least.  Even Sapphire, her only active member, hadn't known she left many hours after the fact.  So I'm just reiterating that the rules only specify that an away posted after the steal is posted is still a valid steal. Not that kingdom changes after the fact is the steal still valid.  I work in the healthcare field so this is just me saying being proactive now will save you a headache in the future.  ^^^ case and point

    So that my suggestion.  Take it or leave it, it makes no difference to me Smile
    -Semi Active-
    Thanks for the re-written clue rule! It's really helpful and I updated the rules with it Smile

    We will definitely keep the rest in mind. Obviously, we are going to keep working on the rules to make them better/clearer and hopefully somehow shorter, so as we do that we can try to address some other things without simply adding a bunch more rules.
    No problem. I hope it helps people in the future.  I guess I just also want to point out that Ea is still leader on the kingdom board so for me to know she's not leader still is kind of hard.  I know it's maybe a unique situation but someone should have posted somewhere she is stepping down.  The only thing I can still see is that a claim was put in by Cal after the fact of me posting the steal.  If I'm missing the post where she says she's stepping down please point me in the correct direction.

    Oh and I didn't realize that 'Connect' was it's own board separate from the three listed under it.  Usually if you click on the bigger word, say commonlands, it shoots you to a board that has the three commonlands even though you can just short cut to clicking on one of the three below it.  I just realized this when Insane post showed in the scrolling recent post update window. XD I had wondered where that board kept disappearing too not realizing it was separate... I'm not stupid I swear!
    -Semi Active-

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