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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the Darkness brings a butterfly

    Mystic was hesitant as her tired legs carried her into the chamber. She was invited here but she didnt know what to expect. Shes never had a home before besides the one she ran away from. Her ears were rotating in different directions trying to take in the sights. It was a dark place, cold and dark. The trees had no bark on them and it made her skin chilled. But she kept walking into what would be come her new home. This was all new to her but wasnt going to let her past to ruin a good life for a change.

    She stopped under a dark looking tree. She looked all around seeing who all was here. She was wondering what kind of welcome she would get. She felt nervous and acted nervous and jumpy. Everytime the snow would fall on her muscular blue roan pelt she would flinch. Her coat has not set in yet. She was used to being cared for a human all her live. She had shelter and food. Now she had nothing, she lowered her head. What did she get into and what did she do. She needed something in her life to keep her mind off things. It will take time to heal the scars that were on her heart and in her mind. But someday the real butterfly will appear. And the real her will be shown.

    She was stubborn mare, with a scarred heart. Would anyone in here change her heart and tame her and make her his? And will she ever knock down those walls thats kept her safe for years? This was the new Mystic and she was ready for a change. She arched her neck and puffed her chest out looking elegant despite her legs being tired. She felt better after her little pep talk to herself. I mean no harm to anyone here, just looking for a home and was told i could come here. She nickered softly
    OOC: I had a post all set for you, but it had gotten pushed down the board. No worries though, I'll just post it here xD


    The ice in the wind meets my bones, knits unpleasant knots into my muscles and runs frostbitten kisses down my spine, to the very tip of my tail. I am getting used to the cold spell, the icy winds, the snow capped ground. My willowy limbs push through the snow drifts easily, but strangely burgundy coat peppered with snowflakes, like a black night sky with shining white astrals. I step along the track, head swinging to look behind me, seeing if the blue roan was following. I kept my eye on her, her weakened frame. eyes narrowing, inspecting. I did not let the debonair grin falter, even though the ice bit bone deep. I let the track finally broaden out towards the sentinel pointers, and the homely scent of pine and ash greets me. My nostrils flutter and I inhale deeply. 'This is The Chamber, Mystic.' I offer a low soprano, turning my forehand to angle and allow the blue roan mare to tread through, breaking the pine path until the clearing. the snow has frozen the ground, made it slippery in places, but my solid hoof broke the concrete like earth as I strode through, casting my gaze to the closeted pine trees, like nests to birds. My own sleeping arrangement was not far, flattened by nightmares and rocked by dreamless slumber, the pinecones made nice indentations in my skin. 'If you do choose to stay, be as a simple resident or something more, I am sure the other members will welcome you.' I offer another low tone, softer, more elegant. My lofty head twists and turns, eyes casting glances, trying to see if Erebor, or Killdare or even the painted Queen were about. I turned back towards Mystic. 'Have you travelled far? You do seem rather weary. There are some softer spots just in the copse here. Rest if you will.' I could be a great people person, but inside, the knots in my heart, they spring and coil and tighten rigidly. A coldness numbing me from inside out.

    Drink the poison lightly, there are

     deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

    She stepped into the land of the Chamber, her legs could no longer hold her up anymore. She had ran so far and so long, she's tried to stay strong but she just need to rest. She grabbed a quick bite to eat and something to drink. She was so hungry and thirsty, she was afraid that her other life would find her so she kept going until she couldnt anymore. The spring weather was helping it wasnt winter anymore so it wasnt so cold. So the grass was turning green and the water was fresh and unfrozen. She lowered her darkened head to the cool water and drank her fill. It felt good to finally drink some water her mouth felt like a porcupine. She also found a small patch of grass and ate as much as she could without making herself sick. She saw the company she meet at the field, Thank you for letting me stay here. She found a nice tree it was cool and quiet on there, her legs could not handle much more they collapsed and she fell to the ground. She laid on her side breathing heavy, she closed her eyes for alittle. She was so tired. She nickered softly
    Drink thy poison lightly dear,

    I wonder of dreams and nightmares, of sleepless nights and constrained thoughts, wandering along the midnight hour. I dream in black and white, my dreams are like splintered ice in my fingers, hurtful, painful. That is why I don't sleep to the true extent of sleep. I doze in the darkness, eyes half ajar, my mind still ticking by. I wonder now, as the blue girl collapses and dozes, does she dream, does she have frightful nightmares? Perhaps, perhaps I am right in never sleeping, an insomniac, a wanderer of the night.

    'The Chamber allows refuge, if one will promise something in return.' my voice is low, a whisper into the crackling trees. I keep my distance, but stand as tall like the towering pines, still as the trunks of the rich bark. My emerald gaze meets her, she has many tales in her worried eyes, many tales to tell indeed. But I let her rest, this is not a weakness of mine, to allow a poteiotnal recruit rest, but more so I can gauge what they can offer the chamber, and when one is near fainting, fatigue gnawing at their insides, one can't really tell what they will bring to the table.

    An hour or two drifts by, I gauge that by the sun's rays changing, filtering through the boughs of the trees and now resting on my face, I step out of the sunlight and back into the comfort of the shadows, stretching a lazy yawn as I make my way closer to Mystic. 'Rested?' I pause, flickering ears and blowing a quick breath, the irritant flies of spring starting to become bothersome. 'Tell me, Mystic, you must have a tale to tell?' after all, everyone does. some gory, some painful and sad, some happy and exuberant. my tales, my tales never slipped from my lips., they were hidden under lock and key in the deepest recesses of my heart.


    there are deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

    Mystic stood up after a short rest. This mare with her has asked her story, she was afraid to tell her side of the story. She didnt want anyone to judge her for a mistake that she once did. She stepped closer to the golden mare, she closed her eyes and sighed trying to find the words to tell her.

    A few weeks ago before she arrived here at beqanna she was once a domesticated pet of a human. She was raised by this person and cared dearly for her.She had a great life there with a loving mother, she never meet her father. She was broke by this human of hers and had a wonderful life. She started training her, she worked hard and trained hard for her human trying her best. Many times she was taken to these big buildings with others just like me were lined up and watching. These buildings were loud and had alot of humans in it. It was loud with music and human cheering. The next thing she knows is her human is calling naming her the barrel racing champion or her champion. Mystic never understood what she meant by that. She just was running like her human asked and she always had her picture taken and people always wanted to come up and meet Mystic. After a few years of this, her human stopped running her and Mystic would spend her days in the field all day enjoying the life she had. She was ridden every once in a while but not as often as before.

    One day strange people would show up to her home and stop at the fence line starring and pointing at her, talking to my human she didnt know what at the time, she quickly found out what it was. The next thing she knew she was being lead into a trailer and off to a strange place. Strange smells and noise, she was taken into a small barn that smelled the worst she didnt know what the smell was. She was tied down and her legs were tied down so she couldnt move. It scared her she didnt know what was happening, then in comes a rouring stallion huffing and puffing making all kinds of noise. She tried to get away, but since she was tied down she couldnt go anywhere. She was forced to breed with this strange stallion. She was a mother after that which she loved but they kept taking her babies from her. One day the same routine she was loaded into the trailer to a different spot same smells. She knew whatwas going to happen, so the day that changed her life. She reared and faught with her human for the first time. And while doing so she broke her humans hand, she had never hurt anyone before and she was scared so she took off running. She was ashamed of herself. And she ended up here at Beqanna.

    She looked at the golden mare. I want to be loved by someone not forced and i want to have children that i can see grow up and see. I dont want to be forced to have kids anymore, i just want to enjoy life and see my little ones grow up. She sighed she was thinking she may never see that happen. So she ran away from the humans and kept running until she couldnt. She had been running for weeks trying to put alot of space between her life before and her new life. She nickered softly
    Drink thy poison lightly dear,

    She talks of children, of watching them grow and prosper. This thought, it silences me for quite some time and all I can do is shift uncomfortably from one hoof to the other. My azure eyes slightly glazed over in deep contemplation. Children. I remember what it was like to be fawned over with such glutinous eyes. It still sends a shiver running through every little nodule of my spine, unfavourably so. My ears lace against my crown, lost within the piles of mussed mane. those memories fade quickly, and for that I am thankful. A good snap of my tail, gliding over my loins and I am back into the present, watching Mystic with curious eyes, and a slight, if not pretentious frown. 'Children? They won't happen unless you want it. Or, unless you aren't careful where you wander.' my thoughts glide to the men in the Chamber -- of course, it had to. Because you cannot bear children without a strong seed, after all. The thought weaves a heavy burden already resting on my chest. Killdare wouldn't touch Mystic, not in that way. In fact the bay soldier made me think he was not all that fond of females in general, even if we did share a midnight wandering for quite a few hours. I know I touched certain button in him that were perhaps a bit too much. The thought brings a fleeting grin to my face but it so expires. Erebor, he is suave and as sophisticated as the very tip of the pine trees. I doubt he would even attempt any form of abuse. Unless of course, the Chamber was threatened, because after all, the members here (myself included) would spill blood, would do anything to protect this land.

    'Love?' the word slips from my lips, it tastes bitter, like harsh bile rising from my chest. Love. It was foreign to me, strange and something I wonder if I will ever feel. After all, with a heart encased in stone, buried beneath the bone cage and ropes of sinew, it had a difficult time feeling much. 'Perhaps. Perhaps love might find you, perhaps you might find love...' the topic is far too raw for me now and I change, my ears twisting forward. 'You are given much from the Chamber. A home, a purpose, a life. But you must return it. Be it simply as a loyal resident or a diplomat. Or maybe even the war caste will suit you...' I look at her then, eyes burrowing deep down, further than her blue skin. Did she have something within? Like Killdare's scarred surface, he lurked a shrewd head beneath. 'The Chamber is sparse in numbers, but we are strong. When our numbers grow, I am certain we will be a force to be reckoned with.' my thoughts are idle contemplation, flirting on my lips. 'Would you like to know of the chamber residents?' it would not hurt to ask. My tone is saccharine. cool and crisp. Black velvet and lace, but my eyes, they are distant, off with the stars for the moment, hanging on a thread with the moon. Mystic speaks of love, of children. They are the future, but now? I was very unsure if I could see myself with either.


    there are deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

    What was she doing? She was talking nonsense to someone who she never knew her or meet her before until the other day. She probably thought im this wierd mare that has some serious issues. She hated bringing up her past cause it made her seem weird or stupid. She didnt care what she found as long as you finds happiness in where she lives she would be happy. Everything else will fall in its place. She was looking around her surroundings. She would love to meet everyone that lived here, after all she didnt want to be a stranger forever. She nodded yes i would love to meet the rest of the herd. She said nerviously as she didnt know what they would think or expect. She didnt know what there standards were for there herd. She's never done this before never living on her own and defending herself. She was a mess mare, she was pretty much new to everything. The only thing she new was how to find food and survive not getting killed or attacked by something.

    She looked at the mare helping her waiting for her to make her next move, she was in her home after all and she knew nothing about where she was. All she could see was it was dark and not much food around. But she always made the best of situations, her black tail swished against her muscular body from years of training and condition. To the stallions around where she used to live. They couldnt keep there hands off her, but some hated me they liked the mares that just let them do whatever they wished well not her. She was stubborn. She nickered softly
    Drink thy poison lightly dear,

    Where to begin on introductions? there were only a handful here, and only three of which I have met and become acquainted with. But each one had engrained themselves into my mind and beens stored in prestigious spots in my memory bank. 'Our Queen is Straia. She is firm yet fair. She takes no nonsense but offers a chance to grow and expand your horizons, so long as it helps build the Chamber.' Straia, the painted queen. she made an impact on me in the field; no nonsense and to the point. 'Kavi and Warship, I have yet to meet. they are on their own missions, personal or otherwise.' I pause, wave a swish of my tail against my hocks and continue to watch Mystic with cerulean pools. Curious and curious. My tongue is black magic and lace as I speak, 'Sir Erebor, is Straia's Son. He is young, yet has a mind far older and wiser.' a smooth smile, debonair and a little risqué touches my lips, Mystic was a mare, she was a girl with a girl's mind, she spoke of love, of children, i'm sure she might have appreciated my next statement. 'You can't miss him. Handsome devil he is.' my ears turn inward and my smile piques into a quick grimace. Erebor was a handsome one, but it was not him that had caught my eye so much. It would have been so obvious if it had. But my dead heart, my blue eyes, they had only collapsed and cracked along with my mask on that midnight hour...

    'Killdare is a rugged diamond really. He is not all that sociable, but he is a soldier and will protect the chamber with as much blood as he could spill.' I eye her up then, blue eyes drawing to meet hers square on. my smile wavers and for a moment I remember when I had let my mask slip and slide that night, as we explored the darkest depths of the chamber in search of Atrox's heart. Can you hear that, beneath your feet?' I ask her, dropping my muzzle to touch the damp earth, the ash and scars beneath drinking in my nares. Atrox's heart still thumped beneath, gentle, almost there, but for those that had dwelled within the chamber was a while, it became like a second sight. A homely sound.


    there are deeper and darker things than you;

    professor of the chamber
    html by magpie77 - photo manip by beequeen - character by magpie77

    She listened to the information on everyone that lived here, but it was just a few cause there was so many. When she talked about the stallions that were here it perked her interest she was a little flirt when it came to boys. She liked to show off alittle and make the boys go crazy. But she didnt want babies from just anyone. After all she had a soul and getting her decision would be a good thing. She listened to the golden mare as she described everyone. She lowered her head to the soul and listened and heard a thumping sound. Shes never heard anything like it, wondering who he was and why you could still hear the thumping in the ground beneath her feet.

    She looked around the chamber there wasnt much here it was a dark mysterious place. It was dark and the sun didnt really poke through the trees often. Which made her blend into the surroundings better, with her blue roan pelt all you could see was her golden eyes. She excited to meet others in the herd if she ever ran into them. She was a friendly mare and always liked meeting others. She was interested in Erebor and meeting him and seeing what she ment by handsome. She tossed her head in excitement it felt good to be free to do whatever she pleased.

    She took a deep breathe being in the wild wasnt as bad as she first thought. She hadnt learned the struggles of it yet but feeling the wind in her mane all the time wasnt a bad thing. And being in control on the stallions that were around, it was something she had to get used to. When do i get to meet these others? she looked to the golden mare. She nickered softly

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