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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Arise and Awaken || All Kingdom || Activity Check
    Wet earth squelched between panes of ice, as the forests of Sylva clung to the last remnants of winter. The season had been a mild one, and spring was beginning to stretch her lovely fingers across the lands once more, though winter still held dominion a while longer. The lithe mare looked out across the clearing, herself perched on a  low flat plane of grey rock. She had come to Sylva seeking sanctuary. She had found so much more within the welcoming arms of her golden woods. Dahmer and Ellyse had left quietly, unobtrusively, making the choice to leave the iridescent mother in their place. 

    Shaking flame-tinted strands back from her eyes, the woman looked out over the clearing. She had called for them, all those that currently called Sylva home. They were not great in numbers, but what she saw pleased her regardless. These were stalwart forest dwellers, resourceful enough to survive in a sometimes uncooperative land. It was a good trait to have. 

    Exhaling a slow breath, she raised her narrow face to look each individual in the eye, smiling softly. 
    "People of Sylva! It would seem that things are changing, yet again. Dahmer and Ellyse, great leaders that they were, have moved on to seek life elsewhere, for reasons known best to themselves. This roll was not what I sought in coming here. I wanted a peaceful home, somewhere to raise my child. Security and safety. 
    Fortune, it seems, has given me the tools to bring these wishes to fruition. But to do these things, I need your help.  I ask you, all of you, to pledge yourselves to Sylva. I stand before you as her caretaker and guide, but it is her people who make her what she is. I swear to you on my unborn child's head, I will do all within my power to give each of you a home worthy of praise. All I ask in return is your willingness to help me make that happen. [b][i]I believe that together, we are strong. Together, we can make Sylva a home worth living in, and worth fighting for. Together, we are Sylva!" [/i][/b]She finished her soliloquy with ringing tones, radiantly dappled with the sunlight that filtered through the canopy. 

    Satin wings that had flared in enthusiasm now came to a quiet rest at her sides. Nostrils slightly flared, her head turned once more to take in the waiting crowd, ears pricked to see who would speak first. She would be needing advisors and lieutenants soon. Best to see who might be bold enough to take on these rolls.

    Edit: this is an activity check, please respond IC or OOC with what characters live here, and what roles they may be interested in pursuing as the kingdom progresses. TIA
    from the ashes, a fire shall be awoken
    Merida is used to the silence of these woods. Her soft paws knew the shadowed earth well, and had created a small burrow beneath a slate of smooth stone as her hearth in the depths of winter’s chill. The thick canopy keeping most light from reaching the very deepest depths, but a few tendrils of golden sun peeks through, filtering and sparkling with the dust of the wood, warming whatever it could beneath the tall trees’ might. The fox is cozied in her hole, her nose covered by the curl of her white-tipped tail, black-rimmed eyes closed in a winter’s slumber. Pickings had been slim for her as of late, and with no larger predators about for her to steal scraps of meat from, the little fox had fed on tiny morsels of insects and berries, and at sometimes shifting back to her equine self to poke through the snow and brittle fallen branches for nibbles of grass beneath. The winter is difficult in the great forest, but Merida found that despite her hunger, she would rather be here than anywhere else.

    The sound of a voice - unknown and surprising - is greeted by the snap of Merida’s once-closed eyes, revealing the burning embers of her irises, which were more red than the orange of her gleaming fur. She lifts her head, peering out from her shelter with a tiny yawn, revealing sharp teeth and a curled tongue. She slinks her way out, stretching as she did so, her spine curling until she shakes herself awake. The chill of winter hits her hard as she emerges from the warmth of her dry den, but the thickness of her orange and white fur quickly shields her, and beneath the darkness of the canopy, she trots easily forward towards the sound of the unfamiliar voice.

    Merida is now close enough to hear and see the woman, atop a piece of smooth outcropping from the forest to raise her above - though it still would have been easy to see her from the ground, for the woman is blindly white and iridescent, her many coat colors causing the fox to halt in her purposeful steps to merely watch her from the silent depths for a moment, standing quietly on slender brown paws.

    The fox gives way to the horse, and in the canine’s place is now Merida’s true from - a stocky mare with thick shoulders and neck, dark as the world beneath the forest, speckled with red embers that adorn her shoulders and haunches. Equally fiery mane and tail complement the darkness of her coat, her mane long and flowing to nearly to the bottom of her shoulder. It is in this state that she approaches the winged opal. The mare stops beneath her, staring up at her with an amused and curious look (one that appears almost fox-like, if one were to know she could become one) and listens intently.

    The ebony mare, freckled with marks of the deepest ember, has never cared for politics or that of a kingdom. She remembers being in Loess, and how she was meant to bow before a Queen and become subservient and diplomatic...it did not suit her. The life of a shifter, of a fox, a free life with no tethers to anything besides herself, that is what Merida seeks and that is what she has found in the solace of the forest of Sylva. She had perhaps thought to join the raven in his militant ranks as a spy or a trickster, something that she is rather good at naturally, but it seems that the raven shifter and his family have taken to the skies, never to be seen again.

    Merida snorts softly. They always leave, she murmurs to herself.

    This one, however, seems different - this woman did not come seeking a title to be called, nor a crown to wear abreast her pretty head. She came to Sylva for the same reason Merida remains - a place to call home, to live happily and to remain safe. It cannot be helped that she has fallen as the caretaker, and she is obviously doing her best to do just that.

    “Woman,” she calls to her lightly, after she has finished her eloquent speech. The word she spoke is not one of malice or sarcasm, but actually of curiosity and a bit of respect. “For a long time I have lived here beneath the shadows and damp earth - longer than you, perhaps - and I do not plan on leaving it any time soon. I am tired of so many strangers coming in and out, promising things and then fading into the darkness - ” she pauses, her eyes flashing as she thinks of Crevan, and now the raven who has promised her such things, only to leave her alone once again.

    “- I will happily build Sylva with you, fair lady. I can keep you safe. My name is Merida.”

    Just an ooc quickie.  Eros will stay in Sylva.  He could maybe be part of the guard.  He's more of a lover than fighter but don't threaten his home Smile
    -Semi Active-
    Lillith Elvira and Eindridi are currently closeted and on leave from any kingdom activity. Lavendel however is here to stay and will be pursuing whatever role Sabra see's fit for her come her second summer! <3
    [Image: 20170518-Letter-Library-Monoline-V3_Lett...80x280.png]
    Go ahead and throw Crevan up on the board if you like, he'll be around for a good while now! Definitely military
    Apothica • Tiberios
    Celest is technically here, lurking in the woods.
    But Levi and Solace are keeping me really busy, so I probably won't be posting her until Feb.
    Up to you if you put her on the board or not!
    Starsonder . Locheed . Oberyn
    Solace . Levi . Firen . Clegane . Warlight
    Um, Merida wants to be in a guard position or something stealthy. She's not a super great fighter, but will if she needs to. <3
    svedka - balto - warden - molech - sunlight
    olena - skandar - starlight - burdock - bluebell - ciroc - maylene

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