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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Any;
    His breath is drawn between sharp teeth with a surprised hiss, but his flinch away from Deiti's grasping teeth isn't strong enough that he loses his footing on the sandy soil. Ivar stamps one hind foot irritably, but he doesn't glance away from the retreating stallion.

    The kelpie is not certain what has happened, and rather than respond to the alluring way the kelpie mare is pressed beside him, he attempts to puzzle it out. Not at all characteristic of the animalistic creature, the only explanation the scaled king can come up with is that Lochwood has done something.

    Something not so different from what Ivar does, if the hazy confusion in Deiti's eyes is anything to judge by. Lochwood might not look like a kelpie, but Ivar suspects that there is more to the younger stallion than meets the eye. Perhaps Ivar should try out Chryseis theory and see if biting his brother might bring out the kelpie inside.

    The thought is tempting, but not as much as the scaled black mare pressed against him. If Lothbrok doesn't intend to take his turn with her, Ivar won't waste the opportunity. There are few enough women of his own kind, the kelpie knows better than to waste them on unappreciative land-dwellers.

    Realizing that he is still staring at his sibling's departing back, Ivar shakes his blue head. "You should go find the waterfall," He adds, just loud enough that Lochwood might hear him over the sound of rustling foliage. He might have no idea what type of stallion his brother was, but Ivar cannot imagine any sort of creature not enjoying the falling water at the heart of the island.

    Then, he glances down at Deiti, only now lowering his muzzle to press at the area she'd bitten. There was no blood drawn, but there is a faint sting along his side, and he prods it gently until that has faded. "I've heard a kelpie has been biting horses and giving them scales," He says, eyebrows raised as though this topic of conversation is only slightly more than mundane.

    "That kelpie wouldn't happen to be you, would it? I like to keep track of those I've bitten, make sure they don't go telling tales to any listening ear." He sounds only curious, and he is grateful she's not done anymore than give some stallion scales. She might have done better, might have turned him kelpie, but he can't expect them all to have his gift. Or his ability to operate in secrecy, it seems.


    Though I am often forward with my wants, I feel this time it had been forced upon me.  Whether by my internal struggles or an outside influence, I could not be sure, but my body reacts instinctively in a fight or flee response -squaring my body to the king I had just assaulted. 

    For a moment it seemed as though his enmity was with the sibling that had turned his back to them.  Calling out a suggestion that was more of a damnation to the younger brother.  Ivar should have known that was the very pool I called home for several years, but perhaps I had been as concealed as I had hoped.  If the colt was to take Ivars advice it would only be a matter of time before the kelpie inside of me would surface to drag Lochwood into the icy depths of my waterfall lair... 

    My eyes have turned to him, when he reaches to stroke the area my teeth had grazed.  He wasn't as frail as my sister Embark, when the darkness crept up within me as merely a weanling.  A childish game of tag had become a chase of predator and prey rather quickly.  It was probably my saving grace now, and all the stallion does is look my direction with inquisition.  

    Ebony ears rise from the tight press the held on my topline to hear all he says. My eyes flicker through memories of what he references.  Yes I had bitten another in a moment of weakness. And yes the stallion had morphed into a scaled-skin after coming back to life, but I had not thought much about it since Leilan had left the island some time ago.  "I... I don't know what happened truly.  All I remember is Leilan being dead in my pond and then he came back to life as something... different," I paused briefly in confusion at my own thoughts of that day.  With a gentle shake to my crown, I replace my unsure tone with something more certain, "He didn't turn Kelpie though.  His breath spewed ice, like a dragon of fairy tales breathe flames."  I am now mostly positive I could not have created the beast that surfaced within Leilan, just as I am most certain the demons that live within me were not of any other making except for bloodline.  Things have triggered those deepest parts of me to emerge, but I am nothing more than what the Gods created me to be.

    My reptilian eyes, look to the kelpie stallion more intently now.  Having sorted out my brains thoughts -deciding that is what they were and nothing more- I step gingerly towards the now king.  Dark tassels whip pheremones into the Ischian breeze.  A midday sun shines across my iridescent scales, causing them to shift colors. The tensely arched muscles in my neck relax, effectively stretching my muzzle in offering of an apology for my actions.  The more equine parts of my inner workings take dominance, and I am submissive to the wants of his rule.  Though, that is not to say, if he had been in the realm of the waterfalls, would I be so compliant...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] :*
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    For a moment she is still, and Ivar passes the time it takes her to search her memory by moving closer. Her stance might be squared off, ready to flee or fight, but the kelpie does not want either of those. Well, perhaps he’d like a bit of a fight, but he knows better now. The kelpie’s territory has recently expanded, and with it the need to defend it from interlopers. The arrival of his family has been the perfect coincidence, but it is not enough. Ivar needs a stronger grip on his prey before he swallows it, needs to be certain before he acts.

    Killing the population of Ischia is not in his best interest, but that doesn’t make it any less appealing.

    Ivar listens, catching the names and main points: dead, back to life, changed. But it is the last thing she says that catches his attention. ‘Like a dragon of fairy tales’ she says, and Ivar recalls in an instant the other dragons he has found. They are not common even in this land of magic, but they have one thing in common. Nerine.

    Rather than dwell on it, he looks back at Deiti, his golden eyes narrowing as she stretches forward in an apology. For a moment it looks as though he might attack, cut a scar across her pretty face as reminder. He does consider it, but she looks suitably cowed, and there is a brief flicker of disappointment across his brow.

    “Did you drown him?” Ivar asks, bumping his muzzle against her offered one with a wordless demand for honesty. Rather than withdraw he continues to draw closer, nudging at the tense lines of muscle along her scaled neck and the sleek and unmarred surface of her shoulders. Ivar recalls his discovery of her scales, hidden beneath the too plain horse hide. Can she turn them even sleeker, he wonders, shift them to impossibly adhesive and use them to pull prey beneath the surface? She’d said Leilan was dead in her pond; had she brought him there? “Did you want to drown him?”


    For a second I wish for the safety of my pool.  There, the demons that lived within, could surface at any time.  Freeing me of this potential threat that lingers nearer with each step.  I am not naive though and know when to pick my battles.  This is not one I would chose to fight.

    His movement to me and a flash of something dangerous, lines his face for a brief moment.  It's fleeting and I am left to wonder why it comes and goes.  But I have no time to dwell on it when his muzzle touches mine and I am asked to explain myself further.  

    Did I drown him?  I've asked myself this question a many of times  and I have only come o one conclusion. "Yes," the confession slips almost seductively from my lips when I look up to meet his golden gaze.  Did I want to drown him? That was an even more conflicting question, but still the answer was the same.  I do not give it though.  Choosing instead to run my lips down along his shoulder.  Feeling the slick scales beneath my own.  Something here catches my eye and I brush my muzzle over the scarred tissue.  "What happened here?"  I wonder aloud in a soft almost whisper...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    If only he knew how she struggled, fighting what she thinks are demons. She’d been raised on the land, he knows, far from the sea and any water deeper than Loess’ springs. How can she know what she is? Ivar had submitted to instinct without a second thought, his sense of morality already flexible, and he has never looked back. Instinct tells him she is kelpie, but she is not like the others he knows. Isobell he had turned, Kaliope, Crashe, and Lothbrok he had sired. They are family, and she is something totally new.

    Something delightful, he finds as her confession slips out.

    He wants to ask more, to know more. How had she done it? Why? How had she felt as the bubbles of his last breath drifted past her? Had she slit his throat with those marvelous teeth, those blades shielded by the inquisitive lips that she runs down his shoulder? Had the water of her little pond gone murky red? The kelpie considers it even as he relaxes beneath her roving mouth, but his hunger has been sated recently enough that to feast again would leave him bloated.

    She is safe. At least, her life is. For now.

    “The Alliance,” he answers, remarkably placid. A good meal and pretty woman will do that, and he leans back against Deiti as though encouraging her continued attentions. One golden eye watches her from half-closed lids. “A dragon thought he might best me, but he wasn’t as strong as he thought. The fire though… that stung.” The kelpie shifts at the thought of it, the dark scales rippling over healing muscle. 

    All this talk of the past begins to stir emotions within me.  Anger that I felt when the betrayal of my Father came to light.  Trust of a stranger I called my Brother.  Hunger when I had looked into the face of my dying friend.  And now lust as my lips touch scaled flesh.  It is different than the first time he had touched me.  Then I had reacted in self-preservation, threatened for a moment by his sharp teeth raking across my equine hide.  But now I yearn for that same touch.  That control given into.

    His answer is shocking.  A dragon.  So he isn't invincible after all.  This amuses me to wander across his multi-colored skin further.  Tracing the lines of light and dark.  Finding the contrasting symmetry quite pleasant to the mind and eye.  I walked this line often, tipping from one to the other with nothing more than a misplaced step.

    To stay on the edge was a struggle, but so often I wondered what would happen if I let go?  Was the fall so deep I would not survive?  And who would bring me back from the darkest depths if I'd have fallen too far...?

    These questions plague my mind just as disease plagues Beqanna.  A fate I had yet to meet.  But here I am, gambling with my life.  For what?

    To feel a slight pulse of danger rattle my demons.

    That is what Ivar truly is.  Something I want but something I am sure I can't have.  But it was fun to test those limits.  As my lips pull back and my predator teeth are left to rake along his scales.  A devious look glitters in my creased pupils under dark lashes.  Beckoning the monster from within to awaken and wreck my pretty little facade...

    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    The chatter of the parrots overhead grows softer, but the kelpie is unsure whether it is because the flock has moved away or because his focus has begun to narrow in a familiar way. Perhaps both, he thinks, feeling the curious touch of the mare as she follows the lines of his markings. The sensation causes him to release a pleasured sigh, and he glances back just as Deiti bares her teeth. He grins as his attention focuses only on the kelpie beside him, and the expression revealed by his glittering teeth is breathtaking, but not at all reassuring.

    She fears falling into the darkness, but Ivar has not left it for years.

    From time to time he will act more civilized – hadn’t he attended that kingdom meet? A pointless thing beyond the necessary staking of his claim – but there is ever the monster lurking beneath, dictating his action. It is the monster that smiles at the slit-pupiled mare, that turns to press his hungry mouth against her sleek skin. She tastes of sweat and salt and woman, but it is the soft ridges of scales beneath his lips that thrills him most.

    “You can’t drown me,” he says against the soft curve of her cheek, and the way he says it, like an offer, seems strange until he continues with a touch to her jaw. “But I think you might like to try.” Ivar’s questing mouth pauses above the quiver of her pulse. He means to taste it but he is patient, and the taste is always better when he swallows it with the seawater.


    It had been at least a year since I had drown Leilan.  I had not known of the immortality he possessed and I wonder slightly if Ivar is as indestructible.  Cleary, by the scars created from dragon fire, he is not immune to everything.  So the idea plays with my mind on if he could drown...

    You can't drown me

    The Kelpie challenges me, or thus I perceive it as one.  "And why would I not be able to drown you Ivar?" I pry in a warm breath across his skin.  Maybe he has powers unbeknownst to me and thus my trial will surely fail.  Nevertheless, I envision his flesh between my jaws as I drag him to the dark waters of my pool.  It brings saliva to drip from my bladed teeth.

    This idea intrigues me enough that my lips cease their wanderings and my body begins to move off.  My dark face turns just the slightest, allowing my crystal blue eyes to beckon him to follow.  My pond was not far from here after all and my scales were beginning to crack in the heat of the day...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    @[Ivar] So she doesn't know she is Immortal... hmmm wonder how she could find out this tidbit Wink
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\
    The kelpie’s golden eyes do not leave hers. The hunger rises in her, quickening her heartbeat and narrowing the already slit pupils of her beryl eyes, and Ivar watches it with fascination. Is this what it is like for the prey, to watch the desire mounting and salivate for something they cannot understand? He knows it though, recognizes the sensation that is equal parts bloodlust and sex, and suspects that it is mirrored in his own face.

    Rather than answer her question, the kelpie smiles into the warmth of her neck, his chest pressed firmly against her side. When she pulls away he growls without thought, perturbed at the sudden distance between them. Before he can pull her back with serrated teeth she meets his gaze with an invitation. The ease with which he follows her is answer enough to the unspoken query; though she heads away from the sea he can already smell the cool water of her tropical pool in the distance.

    It will not be as good as the sea, but as the kelpie traces the gentle ridges of scales along the back of her thigh, he knows it won’t matter. In a few moments they’ll be beneath the water, and these scales he presses his pale lips against will cover a sleek tail. When the pond is visible, he places a final nip to her dark side and leaps ahead, reaching the water in a single stride and disappearing beneath its surface for her to find.


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