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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    how come I never got used to the feeling of sleeping in a cage?
    too long driving, too damn hungry; a tied-up hound but nothing stays

    Valdis moves freely, unfazed by the shackles clasped at her ankles. Erio, the small boy shadowing her, mirrors her confident swagger as they scale a rocky precipice.

    ”I like the breeze,” the boy mumbles as his eyes narrow to observe the distant trees and stream, but the statement goes unanswered. Still uncertain of him, Valdis has thus far been a minimalistic mother. She provides him company and nutrition, but her adoration for him is a daily struggle. Truthfully, she considers abandoning him as he sleeps under the stars while she lies awake, watching him until exhaustion finally grips her. Is it wrong of her? Is it cruel to consider leaving him for his disformities?

    Her uncertainties have tethered her just as much as her shackles to Pangea.

    Valdis opens her mouth to speak, but reconsiders as her sapphire eyes drift to follow her son’s across the open landscape. The boy will spend his childhood here rather than in the shadows of Sylva. A pang in her gut makes her question the situation – whether or not this is good. At least, she muses, they will be away from the war. There has been talk of what happened in Tephra – both from horses and fleeing reptiles – and how it may travel to the forest. Naturally, she is concerned. She wants to know, to somewhat defend what’s hers, but then Mary’s grimy face slithers into the forefront of her thoughts and erases the compulsion to return.

    Reaching down, she brushes Erio’s flank while quietly deciding that his future is meant to align with Pangea’s. If he were to return to Sylva one day, he would be mocked by the Whore Queen and perhaps even discarded by his father.

    Yes, she convinces herself, it will be best for him to avoid the forest’s web.

    ”Let us find Pangea’s leader,” she murmurs quietly as a breeze tousles her locks. Obediently, Erio turns to follow as they leave behind the ridge in pursuit of Litotes. 



    boy what's normal to you? 'cause that sure ain't normal to me.

    Vadar’s steal does not come as a surprise, nor does it come accompanied by guilt; in fact, the Archon is quite pleased with the move a resident of Pangea has taken. His only regret is not seeking him out to thank him, yet. Litotes was drawn to Vadar’s presentation of himself from the moment he set eyes on him, and now it is time to formally make introductions - to see what the little creator’s ideas are.

    It is deep within his hunt for Vadar that the scents of Valdis and her child float languidly past his nose. He brings his head to a regal height, golden eyes slanting to suspicious slits. Of course he knows the pair; he has seen them wandering within his land. The Archon has yet to seek their attention, though, feeling as if he has little time for such well-behaved prisoners. If one can even consider them prisoners, with how little Litotes cares where they wander.

    It is the statement of taking from Sylva that matters, not actually forcing suffering upon victims. Besides, the cremello does not quite have it within him to partake in such cruelty.

    So, with a quiet sigh and a gathering of shadow, Lie drifts from one place and reforms in another. Valdis and Erio walk a short distance away from him, though he teleported within their line-of-sight so as not to startle them too terribly. The Archon offers a friendly nicker, flicking his tousled and shadow-laced mane from his eyes.

    “Valdis,” he says once within earshot, eyes drifting to the small boy beside her. “And you are . . . ?” He droops his head to look Erio in the eyes, lazy smile twisting his mouth. His eyes twinkle when they flick back up to the mare, little flashes of topaz behind long lashes. “You look lovely,” he grins as he compliments her, charmed gaze scanning the pretty sculpting of her face. “Is Pangea treating you well?”

    and if i fall would you know that to do?
    and if i'm caught up would you stay?



    how come I never got used to the feeling of sleeping in a cage?
    too long driving, too damn hungry; a tied-up hound but nothing stays

    The other children were taller than him. They towered above despite their young age and gave birth to a wave of new insecurities. Erio peers up at mother, examines her flat affect, then shifts his body into something she has only seen from Sinner. ”You’re like your father,” she murmurs with a curl of her lip because every time he crosses her mind, so does Mary. Assuming it to be a good thing, Erio sweeps his tail side-to-side but gradually stops when he isn’t met by adoration or an endearing smile. Is father bad? He doesn’t ask, not yet. Instead, he exhales a deep sigh and shadows Valdis as they try to find the leader of this earthly-barren territory.

    They are quickly met, however, concluding their search early on as the stallion materializes from darkness. Valdis takes pause and narrows her sapphire eyes. Erio, on the other hand, walks forward a few more steps to observe what just happened.

    ”That’s interesting,” the boy says with a brightness in his otherwise dark eyes. With his gaze trained on the larger male, he easily enough ignores his mother’s stare boring into him. ”I’m Erio,” he lifts his head – canine, with jagged teeth running down the length of his gums – in pride because although mother always seems displeased in him, he isn’t allowing it to hinder his life. Perhaps, he once thought, he can prove that he is worth her affection and acceptance one day.

    Valdis steps forward now and idly brushes the top of Erio’s head, still quietly claiming him in front of Litotes but not fawning over him. ”Hello,” of course he already knows her, knows why she is here. It wasn’t on her own accord, but she didn’t challenge the opportunity to explore. ”Pangea has thus far been a good experience.” As of yet, there haven’t been any negative interactions or poor treatment like one would expect for a prisoner of war (she is aware of how her own home defied its kingdom, and her father). Standing proudly, she inclines her head just as the wind lifts her metallic locks. ”So, why me?” Was she merely in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or had there been more deliberation and thought behind their actions?




    boy what's normal to you? 'cause that sure ain't normal to me.

    Valdis is beautiful and proud, the rise to her head giving away the dragon lineage she possesses. The Archon can only admire the way she handles herself: strong muscles rippling beneath blue and white skin, hard eyes still glimmering within a deep blue. How odd, he thinks, that a woman so powerful becomes a prisoner so willingly; though, he cannot call her much of a prisoner, considering how he does not care to watch over her. Pangea is wild but not cruel, and he thinks she suits the land with a mane as colorful as the sunset and build perfect to traverse canyons.

    Litotes’ mind wanders, so he drags himself back to the present, an action he finds himself doing far too often.

    The strange looking boy - who he quickly finds out is named Erio - presents himself with an energy his mother does not. The cremello cannot help but smile at the colt, having a soft spot for most children. He cannot say he knew that Valdis would be bringing a child with her, but he also cannot say he is displeased. Perhaps there are opportunities there, within the naive depths of youth.

    “I am pleased to hear Pangea has served you well - as barren as it is,” he responds, a near rueful grin upon his lips. Lie wonders if she finds it as terribly boring as others do. When she asks why me, he cocks his head to right. The analytical gaze he places on her is purely considering, and he traces his eyes down the slopes of her sides. “Why not?” the stallion murmurs, any humor from before sliding off of his lips.

    It was not him that stole Valdis, but Vadar, and even then he did not order the steal. His fascinating citizen made a move off of instinct, and it paid off well.

    “To be honest, Valdis, I do not know why Vadar did what he did - I do not keep a tight grip on my people. Though I imagine it is punishment for Sylva’s insubordination.” There is a bite to his words. What Lie has gleaned from Castile hardens his face. Valdis was once wrapped in the arms of Sinner, and the Archon assumes Erio is the Sylvan king’s. His friendship to the dragon-king partially erases his general friendliness.

    “Now, I wonder . . . Why Sylva? Why Sinner? I keep a close eye on my borders and . . .” he pauses, attempting to remove the toying cruelty from his voice. “I have not seen him visit you, or his - is Erio his? His son. Not even a messenger. Surely you have better men lining up.”

    and if i fall would you know that to do?
    and if i'm caught up would you stay?


    @[Valdis] <3

    how come I never got used to the feeling of sleeping in a cage?
    too long driving, too damn hungry; a tied-up hound but nothing stays

    Valdis observes the smile Litotes adorns when he glances down to Erio. She suppresses the urge to usher the boy away, to dismiss him while she speaks with the Pangean leader. Erio looks back over his shoulder at her with his hazel eyes lit with fascination. A step inches her forward, but she takes pause and decides against it. Admittedly, she has sheltered him often throughout her deciding whether to keep him or abandon him in the forest.

    But weeks have passed and he still remains clutched to her side.Seemingly, the decision has already been made for her.

    The intensity of her stare lasts another heartbeat before it softens and lifts back to Litotes. He is kind – more so than she expected. Concern furrows his brows when their eyes meet. It’s in this moment that Valdis truly scrutinizes him – every curve, every chiseled muscle, every grin – and considers him as something more than just a name spoken on the lips of many women. A smile feebly lifts a corner of her mouth. ”Barren,” she spares a glance toward the Cliffside and naked landscape before returning to him, ”yes, but at least the company is nice.” Valdis hasn’t yet made enemies which is a change for the better.

    A sigh slips quietly from her lungs and her shoulders roll in a way far too similar to her father. ”Sinner is surely ambitious,” and she helped feed him his hopes and reassured him that she would even betray her own family if it meant getting ahead. They complimented each other and yet here she is in Pangea after not even fighting the midnight steal. War and turmoil is spreading across Beqanna and she is away from home. ”I’m sure there would be a greater reaction from him if you stole Mary,” the tension between the two women is nearly tangible, yet Valdis speaks with a level and stoic voice when she mentions the Sylvan Queen, ”or their children.” Multiple heirs. It sickens her.

    Truthfully, Valdis wants to laugh when Litotes comments on Sinner’s absence then how she must have other suitors. It would be a laugh of amusement and pain, of confusion and loss. What should she be feeling? She wants so bad to be vacant and unfazed, but her heart hammering against her chest confirms otherwise. There’s still something simmering beneath the surface that she doesn’t quite understand. ”He broke down my wall,” she finally confesses after blinking and looking down at Erio again, ”and has been the only man to ever touch me.” It took months until she finally melted into his embrace. It was a power she held over him, but it has since slipped between her fingers. ”But we are nothing,” and will likely never be anything she doesn’t say. It would be too honest of an answer to share with a stranger.




    boy what's normal to you? 'cause that sure ain't normal to me.

    When the Archon studies the brilliant blue and white of his first Pangean prisoner, he finds endless amounts of strength. Valdis possesses the wherewithal and frightening beauty of a queen. That would be only fitting, though, considering she is the daughter of both a dragon and a king. He briefly wonders how she has not stolen someone’s throne.

    “Mary . . .” Lie parrots back, the cold woman’s name a considering murmur on his lips. He does not know much of the Sylvan leader, other than that she is painted as a petulant child to him. The fact that most who have mentioned her to him are biased is easy to admit, though he makes no effort to hold a neutral opinion. “If Sinner is so foolish as to choose a reckless girl over one as stoic as you, then he is sure to lose his crown.” Perhaps this compliment is a bit of charming, a bit of inappropriate flirting where there should be only surface-level concern. The cremello is not entirely sure, though he is certain if he were Sinner, Valdis would not have slipped so easily from his grasp.

    Litotes’ stare slips back down to Erio, the ever-curious looking boy. The decaying remnants of a smile are all he can muster for the child. He can predict the confusing future the boy is sure to face. A sigh builds in his chest, but he suppresses it, opting instead to return his eyes to Valdis’. For now, Erio is too young to understand any comfort the Archon may be able to offer.

    “What little I know of Sinner and the boy by your side tells me you are more than nothing.” It is meant to be a kind statement, a bit of reassurance, though the cremello finds his tone is more matter of fact than sympathetic. He does reach out to brush his muzzle against her cheek, comfort for her and curiosity for him. “A foolish man, indeed,” he murmurs, then pulls away, “to forget about a cheek as sharp as yours.”

    and if i fall would you know that to do?
    and if i'm caught up would you stay?



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