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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  You took the air out of my lungs only to breathe with another; Any!

    The dimly lit expanse of glittering white is a blissful surprise to her, a new and quite mysterious place she had not even heard of. 
    The large brown stature moves with ease as she crosses onto the blank landscape, her large paws shaping the snow beneath her, creating large prints of bear claws.
    The mother remains cautious, it isn't particularly common to be met with stark silence, only the sound of whirling winds and tree bark filling the hushed contents of the land.

    The sky above is now littered with dark grey flocks of feathery clouds, filled with the scent of rain as they formed above the island, the female halts quietly now, the harsh wind now battering his bristly fur, the soft contents of her face disrupted by the ice-cold weather.
    A soft grumble now grows warmer as it nears the female, the skies above shouting, calling out in joy, or perhaps the opposite.
    Small speckles of rain quickly transform into snowflakes, a large volume now cascading down from the sky toward the female, she stands smiling, delighted as everything continues around her. 

    The soft melodic grumble quickly transforms into a ground-shaking howl, flashing bolts of lightning striking down on the carpet of snow, creating a magnificent show of lights as the weather passes along the island.
    Caelestra simply sits and watches, the cold doesn't particularly bother her anyway, she is more interested in the show, a beautiful parade of power ready to be taken in by the audience.

    The female is lost in thought, too busy thinking over recent events to pay attention to where she was, so lost in the moment, only snapping back when everything grew quiet, the soft rumble in the distance now escaping to terrorise new lands, a quiet peace emerging as the canvas above created a new image, now painted with stars and the entrance of lights, green and blue and dancing along the night sky, winding in and out of stars and wrapping around the moon, reflecting off of the snow, displaying itself magnificently.
    Caelestra now gently returns to her equine form, the markings on her side resembling those that lay painted in the sky, a smile forming across her muzzle as she calls out softly, perhaps ready to meet a few residents of this mysterious island. 


    I'll be sitting here with a song that I wrote, saying
    love could change the world in a moment
    I’m pretty confident that my getaway and return have gone unnoticed (of course they haven’t but I’m barely a year old, what do I know). After the trip to the island, a trip that for me personally has been swimming in the colour blue, and the loss of a crab friend who did not accompany me back home. That’s too bad; I do actually like the animals. I like the seals (from afar), I like the white foxes and snow hares, the lemmings. There’s not many insects here on the Isle, either, so besides gulls there aren’t many birds I guess, but I do not mind. There are enough.

    A bear however, is a wholly different sight. I’m brave, but not stupid (or at least that’s what I like to tell myself). So I stay perfectly still where I am, and she doesn’t seem to notice me. She’s preoccupied, with what I do not know, perhaps her thoughts or the pretty lights. Or both. Both is fine.

    I’m waiting for her to pass, but then something magical happens - and it turns out the bear is not a bear at all! Grinning at how stupid I am, I finally dare to move and approach her - but when I try to whinny and greet the now-a-mare, a cough interrupts me first. My throat hurts, so my childish voice is raw when I finally address her. ”Uhh, hi! Sorry for the sound.” I grimace, then shrug. I know I’ve gone out to help the fairies find a cure for this disease, surely I won’t be sick that long?
    but what do I know?
    little fire


    A cough rattles through the air as the mare snaps back to reality, a puerile voice quickly following up with a greeting, her head turning to face the spotted-colt. Caelestra attempts to issue a smile toward the youngling, possibly overdoing it now that she was not a bear, she says still for the moment anyway, in her own experience it was never a good idea to move around when there was a child in her presence, it was always either ambushing wolves protecting their pups or annoying gulls swooping down and pecking her until she left.
    "Hello! who are you?" she asks gently, her voice gently rising above the breeze now "I am Caelestra, that is quite the cough you have" she mentions, her abilities always ready to be used if in need.

    She takes time to look around for a moment, allowing the smaller figure in front of her to collect himself. She stares back toward the sea, admiring the now clearing mist, revealing a swaying field of bobbing snowmen, waves curling over themselves to create a rushing sensation of vibrating noise, noise that was always welcome, quite a peaceful change for once.

    @[Aodhan] Sorry this took me so long!

    little fire
    All that is gold does not glitter; not all who wander are lost
    Oh, how stupid must I look to her. Me, the small youngling in front of her, she a bear-who-is-a-horse. The black mare smiles however, and she forgives my idiocy for thinking that she wouldn't notice me - me, who is sick, and will cough every now and then and give my position away whether I like it or not.

    Well, at least she is nice enough to let me near her.

    I blush a little, though my winter coat is thick enough to hide it. Instead, I focus on the question. "Hi! I'm Aodhán." I know it's pronunciation, Aey-yan, is a little hard but I'm quite sure she'll manage. I shrug when it comes to my sickness though. "Yeah well. Everybody does, nowadays hmm?" I don't tell her about the fairy quest - ironically, I think that's where I picked it up; scouring through the unsafe lands even if I was told not to linger in them. But it shouldn't matter. "It's gonna be cured soon. You'll see." After all, they said it was the last ingredient. It can't take forever now for them to find something, right? Right?

    Ah well, maybe we should talk about something else. Uhm. "Do you like the Isle so far?" I ask her - unaware that she's just arrived, really.


    It does not take long for the little one to introduce himself, stating his name quite boldly, even though it did sound a little hard to pronounce "It is nice to meet you" she smiles, the smaller male now shrugging toward her previous statement "It does seem like it doesn't it, it's quite the shame" she says with a concerned expression, her eyes drifting off to observe the landscape before being drawn back in with his voice, he states that is will indefinitely be cured "I am sure it will, there's no doubt about it" she nods with a slight smile.

    The smaller male now asks if the Isle is to her liking so far, the mare takes a pause before answering, looking around for a moment "It is quite beautiful, I adore the lights at night. The cold doesn't really bother me much when I am not in this form" she smiles again, her head lowering down as her tone softens.

    The colt seems quite lively and confident, most likely quite a willful animal, but no creature shy or bold should have to suffer because of the plague. The mare raises a brow and looks toward the colt, her soft lips parting to breathe "Would you like me to help you with that cough? I won't be able to heal it entirely, but I am able to ease the symptoms" she offers, of course, a little hesitantly as the smaller one has only just met her and has reason to refuse.


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