04-07-2019, 03:31 PM
Naga x Celeana
Compact pony like build, about 15/14.2 Hands
About 5 or 6?
Slick black with a very angular crescent star
Leopon Shifting, Twin to Jamjali
She's the daughter of Celeana and Naga, solely raised by Celeana and away form her twin sister(it's assumed that during Naga's absence, Naga solely raised her twin sister). She knows of Jamjali, and of her mother but hasn't actually met them. She's generally a blank slate, and somewhat moldable, I played her as a dumbfounded foal for a bit, but not that long. I see her being much like Naga( if your considering taking her I would strongly urge you to read some Naga x Celeana posts, or perhaps even some Naga posts to get a feel as to how I would of pictured she would be played) Other than that she is perfectly moldable! If she's not played for a while I reserve the right to take her back within reason
Rhette *Maybe*
Chemdog x Lewana
Sporty build, small about 15 hands mild arabianish like face
About 3/4
Black Tovero
Wings, Healing
She was raised by an absent mother, a completely blank slate and perfectly moldable. If taken she will have a moderate activity requirement because she is my only healer (plus she's a pretty girl <3) and her lines are quite special to me.
Naga x Celeana
Compact pony like build, about 15/14.2 Hands
About 5 or 6?
Slick black with a very angular crescent star
Leopon Shifting, Twin to Jamjali
She's the daughter of Celeana and Naga, solely raised by Celeana and away form her twin sister(it's assumed that during Naga's absence, Naga solely raised her twin sister). She knows of Jamjali, and of her mother but hasn't actually met them. She's generally a blank slate, and somewhat moldable, I played her as a dumbfounded foal for a bit, but not that long. I see her being much like Naga( if your considering taking her I would strongly urge you to read some Naga x Celeana posts, or perhaps even some Naga posts to get a feel as to how I would of pictured she would be played) Other than that she is perfectly moldable! If she's not played for a while I reserve the right to take her back within reason

Rhette *Maybe*
Chemdog x Lewana
Sporty build, small about 15 hands mild arabianish like face
About 3/4
Black Tovero
Wings, Healing
She was raised by an absent mother, a completely blank slate and perfectly moldable. If taken she will have a moderate activity requirement because she is my only healer (plus she's a pretty girl <3) and her lines are quite special to me.