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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    After Us Comes The Flood; Nikkai

    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    Autumn had chased away Tephra's summer heat, at least for the evening, and as the hot air rose the void was quickly filled by an impatient, dancing wind. It whipped the scents of far-off kingdoms across Warlight's face as she traveled north, blustering against her ears and snagging in her tangled mane, lifting the heavy mass of it to reveal her muscled neck. The Volcano is visible in the not so far off distance, as it was on most days, and it would be clear to most onlookers, that was where this mare was so purposefully headed.

    In years past these foreign scents would have stirred her blood, set her mind to contriving where she would travel once night fell and she could step across the miles with a dream.

    But she doesn't dream as much these days, and that's alright with her.

    It was a quiet life, but not unpleasant, and Warlight thought she deserved a bit of quietness after the years of fighting and wheezing.

    She had come back to the waterfall several times since her re-birth almost a year ago, and she does so today. She seems very alone, as her toes touch the water and her quiet movement stops, but it is not a bad sort of alone. There was a quickening in her womb she could not ignore, and it had made her subdued and thoughtful. She had been wild and sick in the days of her first pregnancy, still a child herself, but this time she has the experience to realize the meaning of the subtle changes in her body. 

    Her blue-black eyes seek shapes in the changing mists of the waterfall as her head lifts from a long drink, her sunburnt lips slick.

    "Nikkia?" She asks into the thunder, indulging in a moment of imagination. If she was wrong, there would be no one here to see.

    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]


    At first, she had been uncertain of her choice. Not her choice of person, no; she still stood by her choosing of Warlight after the Quest. But the shock of Beqanna being so very different from the world she remembered had caught up to her, after the first few days in Tephra, and the sheer unfamiliarity of the land had been overwhelming. Nikkai had withdrawn, and…other things had happened. She had celebrated her own mortality – having a body again was not an opportunity to be wasted, even if some part of her is always occupied now with this magic she has brought to the land.

    When Warlight calls her name, she is not there. Part of her mind is there, her magic infused now into this land, but her physical body is in the Brilliant Pampas, where the world still looks as the one she left behind. Or, rather, like her childhood – the Pampas had not been the Kingdom she served as an adult, after all, but her family home. Her Kingdom is gone, and so she had chosen Warlight and Tephra. So not everyone might have summoned her physical presence, receiving just the magic from the waterfall at their request, but she reappears for the bay pinto mare, a few heartbeats after her name is spoken.

    The water is cool around her fetlocks, and she is as pregnant as Warlight as she wades to shore. More, perhaps; she knows already she is carrying twins and she is wide with it, but quite pleased. It will be nice, to have children to raise while she passes the time in this life. “Warlight,” she responds to the mare’s query, voice warm, even though quickly her dark eyes take in the world around them, as if to reassure herself that the Kingdom she’s chosen is standing all in one piece. Physically, she is unimposing compared to many of Beqanna’s residents today, but she is still a warrior trained to defend, and those instincts are hard-won and well-ingrained.


    @[Warlight] sorry this is absolute shit but it's here

    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    Will sighs, running her tongue across the beads of water that dot her lower lip. She hadn't realized how much she had been hoping Nikkia would be here until it seemed that her inclination was nothing more than a rambling imagination. But she doesn't turn to go. The antlered mare watches the waterfall, her thoughts turning over the intricacies of her new life, and the mists begin to move in a way that immediately snaps her back to the present. They weave close, tight and dense, until suddenly Nikkai is tangible before her.

    Warlight smiles.

    When the mysterious grey mare speaks her name, Will fells a kind of warmth for and from her, despite the sheets of cold water falling around them. The wind shifts and the false-rain slackens, pushed in the same direction as the palm trees now bend, and lessening the roar of the falls.

    "It's good to see you." Will's voice is clear as it carries across the pool, and she speaks from the heart. She had called with no query, for no real reason; she was not wounded or in need of magical aid. Something in her had wanted to see Nikkai again, and she hopes she hasn't overstepped by summoning her this way.

    The doubt flares as fast as a flash of lightning across her features, but when it passes, they fall back into their usual confident, curious arrangement.

    "I hope you're adjusting well," she begins, stepping carefully across the wet stones to stand a few paces closer. "I'm sure more has changed for you than most." She tries to imagine what it would have been like if the quest had happened twenty years later and she had come back to find Raul an old stallion with a family and life that didn't include her... and she shakes her head without realizing she had.

    @[Nikkai] pleeeease nothing you write is shit <3
    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]

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