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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    how do you guys not be sad
    I actually don’t have much of a reason to be sad and I’m really tired of being so fucking sad at random times (mostly when I should be RELAXING).

    What do you guys do to shake it? I usually feel better after just reading the little things people do to cheer themselves up. And maybe y’all will have something that might bring me a little joy, too.
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    the only thing that brings me a fleeting sense of happiness is online shopping and I dont recommend that

    also, going outside, even though it takes forever to convince myself to go outside lmao
    Ryatah & her 800 relatives, plus Briseis
    i like the subreddit r/mademesmile, r/wholesomememes and the one that’s just videos/gifs of dads happy crying/reacting to positive things. they’re quick dopamine boosts.

    also taking my dogs on sniff walks where i’m just along for the ride and they chose the route.
    Going outside and taking a short walk or sitting on the patio and reading a few chapters of a good book.

    Watching funny animal videos on YouTube or scrolling through TikTok for hours.

    Calling a good friend and talking to them about random things, or even bitching about whatever I’m going through whenever they’re willing to listen.

    Water Painting, drawing and knitting.

    Writing 10 positive things about myself.

    Those are just a few things. Being sad is a tough battle and I hope any suggestions we make can help. ♥

    ♞ status: active, slow
    Gratitude exercises, even if it's kind of stupid. To say out loud "I am grateful that I have air conditioning" or something and just listing the things I'm so lucky to enjoy in life. Whatever they may be. Kind of resets me when I'm miserable.

    Time in the sun.

    Crafting, if I can get myself to focus on it.
    tell me what you hate about me
    whatever it is, i'm sorry

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