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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  grey mist on the sea’s face & a grey dawn breaking
    and underneath the layers, I find myself asking what's left
    a hollowed out form, the skeleton of a ghost, the pitiful echo of what once was
    It has always been Sochi, always will be Sochi, and yet there’s a spur of intrigue thrumming in his veins when he looks at Oceane. 

    And for a fleeting moment, he cannot help to ask himself, will he hurt her one day, too?

    There are a few scarred by him, both physical and emotional. Sochi has thus far been spared with her mirrored ferocity and passion. Although bearing scars of her past, Castile sees her as a clean slate, unmarred by his loss of control.

    But can he maintain that for Oceane?

    ”Let’s hope it never comes to that,” he murmurs with a lopsided, boyish grin and a smoldering stare. Yet, there is a small piece of him curious to see her reaction when blood dribbles down her untouched skin.

    No, no. Stop.

    She glances away, hiding the expression on her face from his view until his offer lures her attention back onto him. The temptation is a succulent fruit dangling in front of her, a reward offered with a promise, just as he offered to Ruinam (though the answers he wanted were far less important than the ownership of a land). Tit for tat, bargaining with the dragon king. ”You would make a fine leader,” would she climb to a Lady, or perhaps even a Queen should he give her an entire kingdom? The generic title preserves her fate, letting the cards decide what she will become instead of swearing himself to a specific promise.

    She will be something, no doubt, but he isn’t entirely sure what.

    There’s an incessant pull inside him to keep her happy and entertained. He wants to keep her at his side, possessing her like a rare treasure. Oceane wants more and Castile years to satisfy her in every way possible which leads seamlessly into her third wish from him.

    Their body heat continues to intermingle, the fire in his stomach dancing excitedly when their eyes lock. Everything inside him screams yes to her, to agree to these terms. The words nearly escape him without consideration, flirting with the edge of his tongue as his neck arches toward her. A drag of air pools into his lungs. Her scent dominates, but there’s also Loess, Sochi, and his children. There’s Lepis and Ophanim and Starsin. Will they be affected too? His tongue thoughtfully slips across his lips but his impulsive nature sees nothing wrong with the proposition. ”Consider it done,” fight for her, defend her, protect her. It’s all in his nature anyways, but his heart wrenches at the idea of his oath conflicting with Sochi. What if… No, he stops himself before the thought can even fester. Nodding his head, he offers a final agreement. ”I will teach you to fight, then maybe one day you can take part in the Alliance.” A goal, a dream.  



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    RE: grey mist on the sea’s face & a grey dawn breaking - by Castile - 01-07-2020, 10:36 AM

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