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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia

    no one really knows what the ocean hides
    but you and I, bird, we’re gonna find out

    ”Go explore,” she murmurs to Adarra once drawing in Rebelle’s familiarity. Her daughter peers up at her, frowning and slightly inclining her head. ”Where are you going?” Ever curious, but in the kindest of ways. The girl watches her parents closely, even when they assume her asleep in the shadows. There’s an ulterior motive also, but she never tells them.

    She does, in fact, have a twin, but he is lost.

    A great reservation purses her lips shut each time he crosses her thoughts. It would be worrisome if she mentioned to mother that she shared a womb with another, that her soul is incomplete without the other half. Adarra never laid eyes on her sibling, but she breathed him in and danced to the beat of his heart. He exists even if their parents think it a figment of mother’s imagination.

    And so, the child inwardly hopes that Reia is beginning a venture to find the missing link of their family, but she masks her disappointment with a nod when mother simply says, ”To find a fish.” They peel apart then, but Adarra remains fairly close as Reia slips away and finds herself in front of Rebelle after a short walk.

    ”I wasn’t planning on fishing today,” the blue flames along her crest crackle, illuminating the sharp edges of her face. Light ripples across her scales, bringing the colors of her body to life. A curious sweep over her eyes scrutinizes the familiar face, one from her childhood, one from prior to motherhood. ”Hello, tuna,” fish has been on the menu before, but not in months. How tempting it is to resume.

    Licking her teeth contemplatively, Reia asks, ”Following me?”

    and I'll be next to you when the lights go out



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    RE: In Hell I'll be in good company // Reia - by Reia - 01-08-2020, 08:12 PM

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