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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    someone new - Warlight

    Soul as sweet as blood red jam

    In her moments alone, in her deepest sleep, it is easy to forget that she is no longer dead. Four years she had lived and one she had died, but the dying was harder to shake than the living had been, and the sun still hurt her eyes.

    So although she had been bold and brazen in her first life, the leopard-skin warrior finds herself clinging to the shadows far more often than she had before. This loud and brash mare, who had never been called subtle, glides through the darkness like a creature who was made for it.

    But her purposeful movement halts when a beam of jade light falls across her path, her blue-black eyes narrowing against the synthetic brightness. But any annoyance she may have felt never has a chance to manifest before she sees the subject, or the master, of the floating leaf lanterns.

    The fairy queen herself seems to appear from the heart of the jungle, elegant and soft in ways that Warlight could only admire. And from her stronghold of darkness, admire she does - before the light falls on her too, and common courtesy puts an end to her wandering thoughts.

    The stranger's voice is one to match her image and Warlight repeats the name with a dip of her crowned head, the warmth of her dark gaze falling briefly to the earth before rising again.

    Will's features do not attempt to mirror those of her light-hearted companion's, for they would only be a poor reflection. But there is no threat in her stance, only curiosity, as a subtle, cheeky a smile plays on her freckled lips.

    "I wasn't expecting company tonight, but I'm glad you didn't. I'm Warlight."

    [Image: Warlightpageddoll1.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    someone new - Warlight - by Isilya - 01-15-2020, 09:59 AM
    RE: someone new - Warlight - by Warlight - 01-16-2020, 02:52 PM
    RE: someone new - Warlight - by Isilya - 01-18-2020, 06:54 PM
    RE: someone new - Warlight - by Warlight - 01-27-2020, 07:43 PM
    RE: someone new - Warlight - by Isilya - 02-06-2020, 09:38 PM
    RE: someone new - Warlight - by Warlight - 02-28-2020, 04:50 PM

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