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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I got a brand new walk ||Castile, Lepis, Jesper||
    The concept of being a pawn in Beqanna's scheme is not new to Jesper. He fully respects the land he walks upon and, is well aware of his place in the hierarchy of things. Having said that, when he gets the call that he has been stolen from his home, the first emotion that hits him is absolute dread. He has been down this road before, except, last time he volunteered. Look where that got him. Last time, he did not have as much to lose. Now, he had a family and, a purpose. The black steed swallows but a large lump remains at the back of his throat. He knows he must obey the law of the land. There is no time to bid farewell to Camomila or Jesla. They would surely figure things out on their own. Camomila is perfectly capable of keeping everything and everyone in order. As of his last tally, Leilan should still be around. Well, he can only hope that is the case.

    Begrudgingly, Jesper shifts into motion. His bronze-tipped ears flatten to his poll as his limbs begin to shuffle towards the one calling his name. When icy blue gaze lands upon the golden brown male named Wolfbane, the fox-shifter cannot help but wonder if this is pay back for his cold demeanor towards Lepis when she came to visit. He did mean to visit Taiga as he told her. Time just got away from him. If this is pay-back, they are being a bit dramatic, don't you think?

    "No resting. No running."The rules are simple enough. Though, a bit odd given they are only traveling one territory south. Well, that is what Jesper thinks until Wolfbane is driving him beyond the borders of Taiga. I really have lost touch with current events, haven't I? mused the male to himself. He obeys and continues strolling along ahead of the smug male. With each step, the air grows heavier; more dense with moisture. His nostrils widen to maximize the oxygen reaching his lungs, both because the air is thicker and, because of the exertion thus far.

    For a moment, Jesper tenses at the thought of being brought to Sylva. Obviously, Wolfbane did not call Taiga home anymore. What if he took over Sylva, alongside Lepis, to enact the same torture Lepis endured to any residents? That is the one place he could not face. To his relief, Wolfbane directs Jesper due south towards Loess. The black wonders if politics had changed there also. Last he knew, Castile led the charge. He always thought of Castile as an ally of sorts. I mean, only as much as you can trust a dragon who isn't your brother (Leilan is an anomaly for his species). So, did Castile orchestrate this whole thing? Or, had Wolfbane and Lepis pushed him off of his throne and taken control? At this point, Jesper could not even be sure that Wolfbane and Lepis are still a thing. He chooses to ignore the golden brown's remark. His facial expression betrays no emotion. His gaze is a cool blue and his rubbery lips form a straight line from corner to corner.

    He sighs as they cross the border into the knolled land and push on. It is only until he faces a rocky dead-end that Wolfbane applies the brakes. Jesper comes to a halt as well. It is now that he realizes how much he hates those little blood-sucking insects. His tail alternates between striking his left flank and his right flank. His bronze-tipped lobes resolve to a position that is neither airplane wings or, buried under his mane. As they stand here, waiting for whatever awaits him, Jesper shakes his poll every few breaths to drive away the cloud of gnats. He says nothing to Wolfbane. There is no need. Let's see how Loess treats her captives.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I got a brand new walk ||Castile, Lepis, Jesper|| - by Jesper - 02-06-2020, 05:03 PM

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