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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  meet me where the sky touches the sea; any
    we've been running away from space and time
    if we don't fit in the grand design
    His smile spreads wide the further the gold and tobiano mares makes her way into the depths of the water. Excitement boiled beneath him, spreading to every part of his purple colored features. It was quite evident Aeolus loved being in the water.

    When the other sea horse stops chest deep into the water, his right purple ear swivels back and then forward curiously. “Don’t stop!” He says in a teasing tone. The young stallion couldn’t wait anymore. He had to be swimming now!

    At the sound of her sudden and sharp words, a confused expression quickly consumes his once excitement expression. The cheerful smile on his dark lips begins to slowly fade, flickering his ears in confusion, and starting to feel uncomfortable as he hears what Tasi has to say.

    “What have you become?”

    She asks him with a hiss. Fear filling every part of the question, dug deep in between each of the letters of her sentence. Aeolus feels his stomach drop, uncertain why she changed so drastically. It felt wrong. The entire shift of the mood changed without warning.

    “I am like you,” he whispers softly. Trying to figure out why Tasi might be afraid of him. “Well, I am someone that belongs in the water.” A monster, he thinks suddenly. Aeolus shakes his head. No, he was not a monster. “I am like a shark—a predator of the sea,” he adds.

    Why would Tasi be afraid of a shark? He surely couldn’t understand that. Tasi must have encountered a shark or some other predator before. The open ocean was filled with them.

    Maybe she lied.

    It could be true. He knew there were others that tried to impress everyone. Maybe Tasi was doing that.

    As Tasi looks down to the water, Aeolus treads forward towards her. A concern expression slowly begins to soften the harder features of his purple profile. “Why are you scared of the water?” He asks softly.

    Stopping close in front of her, he looks at her with his golden gaze, hoping she will at least look back at him. “There is nothing to be afraid of in the water. I can scare away anything that comes our way.” A gentle boyish grin tugs on his lips to the right.
    then no one can ever confine us, and no one can ever define us
    we're just trying to live where the wild things are


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    RE: meet me where the sky touches the sea; any - by Aeolus - 02-12-2020, 07:02 PM

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