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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Things Have Changed Once Again (All Kingdom Residents)

    As always, brilliant or insane, Lilliana shares freely what she knows with those she considers her friends.

    (At least when it comes to kingdom politics.)

    There is something akin to a softening on her copper face when @[Neverwhere] steps from the shadows. Leadership isn’t something that she had associated with her bald-faced friend in the beginning but as the mantle of Queen has started to settle comfortably around her, Lilliana thinks it suits her well. There is a brief nod of agreement with what she says (and Lilli is reminded of another day with Aten, with a mare recently returned from the dead where the crimson mare had expressed similar sentiments). War, change, upheaval are all fluid parts of life - their coming is inevitable.

    It is how those changes could affect these Redwoods that calls them together now.

    Lilliana finds relief that Neverwhere has come because what could the Northern forest lose with support from Nerine? It might just be their path forward. (And in truth, this is what Lilliana has hoped. As an Ambassador to the Taiga and a Diplomat for Nerine, she had wanted to hone both sides of that blade to a shine that might bring a bright relationship for both kingdom and territory.) The chestnut isn’t entirely oblivious to the disappointment that registers on Pteron’s pale face and she wonders what more could he have wanted? Loess, perhaps. He was - had been - a soldier for both kingdoms.

    Perhaps his allegiance to the South offset any future bonds he might have made with the North.

    Her blue eyes look back to Aten as he steps down from the kopje and she smiles at him, finding an admirable quality in him that he would rather discuss the options with them as an equal rather than lord above them. The champagne isn’t giving orders; he is discussing and weighing the options with them. It is a dream she once had for Taiga and to see the gold Guardian implement it is something that makes her more sure that he is the right choice for this wood.

    When the pegasus stallion mentions Ischia, Lilliana thinks of Aquaria and what she had said that day they met. That the beach territory was a refuge for those worn out by the world. If it came down to it, they might seek shelter there. Where Pangea was building a reputation for chaos, an alliance with the West could be plausible but the chestnut mare finds her mind going North. Why not take advantage of the resources here, of the relationships and bonds here?

    When Ruthless comes, it seems she shares a similar sentiment. The blonde girl doesn’t look at Lilliana (and she knows why, the brutal truth chills her like the winter wind that blows past them) but speaks of wanting to be a warrior (and she wants that for you, Ruth. She has looked at you and seen the faces of those she loves in another lifetime - proud Elena, fierce Brielle - she has looked at you and known family from almost the first moment).

    Looking at Ruth, an expression of pride warms her features and then she turns to Aten, her mind still thinking over what Pteron has said about what they could offer the other kingdoms.

    All the things he says seem to be not only a Taigan problem but as Neverwhere had said, it is a problem for all Beqanna.

    "If the threat became desperate enough,” (perhaps it already is) she considers with her blue eyes dancing between the two leaders, "perhaps we could move those willing to Nerine?” An evacuation isn’t really a plan but there if there is one thing that Nerine has is plenty of space. There is also an unspoken message in the silence here - that if the situation truly became so dire, Taiga could perhaps be a 'common' land of the kingdom until such a time permitted that whatever dangers lurked had passed. "And as for preparing, perhaps both the residents of Nerine and Taiga could both engage in diplomatic training and mock battles.” The numbers of Taigans are limited but there are some (her mind goes to Kalil and Owin, to herself and Ruthless) that might want to learn how to fight and defend their homes. Nerine brings the images of Brazen to mind but even gentle Eurwen was capable of defending the clifftop kingdom; the bond between kingdom and territory could be strengthened and residents of both places could gain the needed skills for navigating through the tumultuous times that always seemed to be looming ahead.

    As she looks at the pair in front of her, she thinks that there might be a chance for both places to build a reputation and a future together. Nerine had been a great power once - why couldn’t it be again if her territories were willing to work in harness with her?

    It would take time - perhaps their enemy in this - but it seems a good place as any to start.

    and its harder than you think
    telling dreams from one another
    art by the day of shadow
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

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    RE: Things Have Changed Once Again (All Kingdom Residents) - by lilliana - 03-06-2020, 09:11 PM

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