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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Things Have Changed Once Again (All Kingdom Residents)
    What Pteron may need from the northern kingdom might someday change, nobody at this gathering should be surprised how quickly things can change, when they finally do, but she will be just as happy if he never comes to collect on that debt. She listens lazily to the other speakers, allowing her eyes to wander from tree to tree like sparrows flitting between the branches, only focusing back in when she is questioned directly by the former Taigan, and then her eyes find his again as the dark-winged youth jumps in, answering rashly.

    "You see? We are defended." There is a wryness to her voice as she says it, ears flicking, amused. He is being quite serious, of course, and it is an important question, one that must be dealt with, but she doesn't intend to discuss those details with him. Not when he barely contains his wish to be gone, not when he has so many reasons not to help them - on the contrary, his loyalties lie largely with Loess, though perhaps his interests are elsewhere. She does not attempt to stop Aten from gleaning information from his predecessor, but she will not actively participate in this exit interview.

    Lilli's suggestion brings a frown to her lips and she turns appraisingly to the red mare with a shake of her head. Lilliana has been tight-lipped and vague about her past, but the bits that the silvered mare has gleaned from their conversations are riddled with a family torn ragged by war. She should know better than some what will happen if the Taigans evacuate, and running north will be a poor option, may only trap them with the sea at their backs and wolves nipping at their noses.

    "Anyone fleeing conflict may come into Nerine, but abandoning the redwoods won't bring safety. Anything that threatens Taiga threatens us all, it would not be something to ignore."

    The danger isn't a passing pack of predators, it is political enemies and agents of chaos, they will not simply "leave" because the forest is empty. If it comes to a fight, they may all have to fight. Easier said than done, she has rarely been called to blows in her life, her bullish demeanor usually enough to back enemies off, at least long enough for her to get away. The life of a nomad in that respect is simple, running comes naturally, but now she navigates a different world. It does not settle on her as easily as Lilli might think, but Neverwhere is used to going into situations blind, it is, perhaps, her one advantage.



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    RE: Things Have Changed Once Again (All Kingdom Residents) - by Neverwhere - 03-15-2020, 05:25 PM

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