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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    **Activity Check / Lethy meeting** - Ends 5/01/20

    ”Nashua,” his mother whispers firmly.

    The chestnut pegasus pulls his feathers closer against his sides and arches his neck, eyeing his younger brother curiously. They’ve been called together for a meeting - something out of the usual for them. Nashua is bright-eyed and he watches the horses gather with curiosity, turning his head eagerly for the few who gather.

    When he catches the eye of his younger twin, the winged boy smirks.

    Whatever impish thing that Nash is considering is met with a touch on his haunch and the growing colt meets Lilliana’s watchful gaze.

    Fine, he thinks. He can stand still.

    It’s harder than he assumes and the flaxen boy reaches out to playfully nip his mother’s side. He shifts his weight, pressing into her and then away - wondering what could be so important that they had to stand quietly for so long. The colt raises his head to peer over Lilliana’s side, he can’t meet Yan’s eye again.

    He doesn’t have to though.

    The buckskin mare ahead of them is speaking, addressing the group. (And Nashua looks around to see if he can glimpse the sorrel stallion who had followed him home from the Meadow. What of the mare, @[kota], who they had come across on one of his ‘travels’? There is the scent of another male in these woods too, haunting the fog.)

    What the mare is talking of is, though, little interest to him. Nashua is more intrigued by the pale shape lingering at the edge of the shadows. Celina, he thinks. His sister doesn’t stay long enough for him to seek her out though, vanishing into the treeline almost as soon as @[Izora Lethia] finishes speaking. His head turned and watching her go, he almost misses when his mother murmurs, ”Wait here.”

    Lilliana gently presses a smile into the top of Yanhua’s head and then reaches out to gently graze Nash’s cheek. ”I’ll be right back.”

    Their copper mother approaches the older mare, apparently talking on several topics. She doesn’t come right back so with an inquiring tilt of his head for his brother to follow, Nashua approaches too. Her voice sounds.. different, strained. ”I’ll go to Nerine,” he hears, ”and ask Neverwhere for help.”

    The copper colt takes another step closer, his ears pricked to catch her next words. ”You have my blessing, Lethy. Not that you need it.” He stops and glances to the purple-eyed mare, ”But I intend to lead alongside you. I had spoken to Aten about it once. Taiga needs a Guardian and together, we could do that. We could protect these woods.”

    There are other things that she’s speaking of - something along the lines that the Forest needs change. That they need to do something different. She has ideas but there are things that need to be discussed with his Aunt Neverwhere first. Taiga needs a new perspective, she says.

    Finally coming against her side, Nashua looks up into her blue eyes. ”What does perspective mean?”

    and for every king that died
    they would crown another

    @[Skeleton Ghoul] tagging you Nauty if he wants to come say hello!

    sorry this took so long. wanted to get something up for you!
    but ooc-wise: she plans on co-leading with Lethia. ^^
    [Image: jCdBK6.png]

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    RE: **Activity Check / Lethy meeting** - Ends 5/01/20 - by Nashua - 04-27-2020, 06:40 PM

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