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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [complete]  turn and face the strange; any
    A distant rumble breaks the silence of the starry night. A wild force sweeps through the forest, the trees moaning a weary protest as the wind batters their ancient branches. Fallen leaves rustle as they race across the forest floor, and Nalani wakens with a start as they tumble over her resting head. She looks around wildly, her wide eyes smarting from the dirt the wind kicks up around her. 

    Her starlight friend hovers beside her, the glowing ball of starshine seemingly unchanged by the events unfolding around them. Its warm, steady glow soothes her. There is nothing to fear tonight.

    Nalani steadies her racing breaths and as she does so, something in the wind shifts.


    It carries a fine dust, and with every breath the particles fill her lungs. A tingling sensation warms her body, spreading along her neck and to the base of her tail. The wind lifts her mane into the air, breathes life into its wispy strands.

    And then, just as quickly as it arrived it carries on past her, taking the dust and the magic with it.

    The night is still once more. The trees go back to their peaceful slumber. Nalani looks to her starlight friend with bewilderment.

    “What just happened?”

    The ball of starlight dances around her neck, flickering with glee.

    Though she does not know it yet, tiny buds have appeared among her rusty coloured mane. In the morning light, daisies and roses will bloom. By afternoon, zinnias and marigolds will flower in pinks and oranges, and salvias will weave their purple petals through her tail.

    But for now, she is unaware, and rather bemused, Nalani settles in for the night once more.

    OOC: Nalani is claiming flowers. Thank you!

    Messages In This Thread
    turn and face the strange; any - by Krav Fairy - 06-01-2020, 08:11 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Locheed - 06-02-2020, 02:16 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Warden - 06-02-2020, 09:40 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Tarte - 06-02-2020, 09:42 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Shipka - 06-02-2020, 11:18 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by echis - 06-03-2020, 02:49 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by firion - 06-03-2020, 09:02 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Nikoline - 06-04-2020, 06:27 AM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Anonya - 06-04-2020, 10:13 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Elain - 06-04-2020, 10:32 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Ainu - 06-05-2020, 02:56 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Leilan - 06-05-2020, 04:44 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Nalani - 06-06-2020, 07:11 AM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Pollen - 06-06-2020, 09:08 AM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Mesec - 06-06-2020, 09:19 AM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Aela - 06-06-2020, 12:00 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Kestrell - 06-06-2020, 01:48 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by evarae - 06-07-2020, 06:36 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by clementia - 06-08-2020, 11:53 AM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Indius - 06-08-2020, 02:27 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by cirilla - 06-08-2020, 09:52 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Lepis - 06-08-2020, 09:59 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by iridian - 06-08-2020, 10:08 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by capulet - 06-08-2020, 10:16 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Drear - 06-08-2020, 10:23 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Finian - 06-08-2020, 11:57 PM
    RE: turn and face the strange; any - by Leah - 06-18-2020, 02:45 PM

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