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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  this grief has a gravity, it weighs me down | birthing
    So busy trying to take it all in, I miss the instant my dam lowers her head to swipe up my feather. The twinkling black thing is already forgotten, tucked away between the blended blues and peaches of her wings, and I’m busy anyway. Her courage may have left me but it resounded through my chest and lit a fire in my veins. From infancy I’d learned a thing about myself that would hold true throughout my life - that I was suddenly addicted to that feeling, that of courage, and I would search for the high forever. She wanted me to stand? Then I would, even if my legs protested and the idea of falling again terrified me.

    I braced myself and hefted forward, lifting my spotted rear into the air. Out came my legs underneath me and I was standing again, just like she’d asked, my tiny wings unformed and spread out beside me while I teetered back and forth.

    I looked up to Lepis and smiled, yearning for the look to be returned tenfold. Had I done it the right way? Was this what she wanted? The way she taught me worked well; I balanced myself and stood up straight again like I had a minute before. Solid and with my forehooves planted evenly out in front of me. Her encouragement had driven me and she’d been right. I would trust her always. She must know everything, and I thought she was very wise for teaching me. Lepis expanded from 'warmth and life' to 'knowledge and infinite wisdom' in the span of a few words.

    Suddenly, I knew that I adored her. That I would do anything she asked of me, follow her anywhere she led. I loved her. She seemed to love me.

    I turned to look at her wondrously and wobbled a few steps sideways, careful not to let my dipping legs tangle themselves up again. “Like this?!” I asked her loudly, starved already for her attention and praise. I looked away to concentrate, took another few steps and then a bold little hop. “It’s tickling my legs!” I said of the grass and flowers, not yet knowing their purpose or names but loving them already. Thus far my entire world seemed to be made up of things I loved. Everything was perfect.

    How could I begin to understand that it wasn't, or that it never would be? How could I possibly think about time or age, or anything involving what had just occurred here in the Pampas when there was mother here? Privileged with security, destined to have it taken away. I only smiled my childish grin and trampled on, circling tightly back to Lepis with a little skip and a frisky rear. There was so much else to concern myself with, considering the way I could feel my belly tighten and my head lower curiously towards mama's shadowy underbelly. "I'm hungry." I exclaimed, sidling up next to my dam. My nose roamed over her side and I gusted the smell of her scent radiating up from her soft, warm fur.

    @[Lepis]  Heart

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    RE: this grief has a gravity, it weighs me down | birthing - by Kestrell - 06-16-2020, 07:39 PM

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