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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    he giveth and he taketh away; round iii - closed.
    The world has gone dark, fallen from beneath your feet.

    It’s over, all over; you can go to sleep now, if you want to, cradled here among the stars; you can sleep and dream and watch world after world end for all eternity, because that’s all you’re good for. You destroy things, you break them, you upset the balance—all of you. The veil lifts, slowly, and somehow you can see them. You can see everything they’ve done, everything they didn’t do, everything they’ve loved and lost and while you see similarities between your stories, you feel no sympathy for them. None at all. Maybe you’re incapable now, maybe it’s the sudden presence you feel inside that’s making you angrier and angrier by the second until you feel nothing but rage and you call for their blood across the emptiness. The presence, the being, whatever it is, laughs at you—laughs at you from the inside.

    It’s inside you, it’s in your head. It is all around you.

    It is you.

    “In due time,” the words come out of your mouth before you can stop them. “I know you want to go home, don’t you? Don’t you? Yes, yes you do. So here’s what you do… see them? Of course you do, I know you do.”

    Four other horses appear, all of them in fairly poor condition.

    “Pick two of them,” it—you, say. “Pick two of them to come with me and I will let you and the others go.”

    Aletheia, Drow and Leiland have been eliminated. Better luck next time.

    • Have your character reflect on the choices they've made, write about how it impacted them and how it might affect them once they return to BQ.
    • Write about what they're feeling now, how they feel about floating around in outer space, what it feels like being 'possessed.'
    • Write about the other characters being revealed and which bits and pieces of their adventures during the quest are revealed to your character.
    • Write about what your character is feeling/thinking when it realizes it might be one of the two voted to go with the demon into the abyss. Does it feel guilty about sending someone else?
    • If your character is voted out by the others (each horse must vote against two others, the two horses with the most votes will be eliminated, you cannot vote to send yourself with the demon), it will be sent to the abyss for one BQ year to be tortured by the demon. During that time, your character may only post on the Afterlife board; you may write about your character being tortured, you can detail your character's escape attempts, you can even interact with the dead characters of BQ. After one BQ year is up, you may return to BQ and begin using whatever minor genetic trait I give your character at the end of the quest.
    • The three horses who are not voted out will receive genetic traits and will be returned to BQ immediately.
    • You have two days from the time my post hits the board to respond, failure to respond will result in a defect.

    Messages In This Thread
    he giveth and he taketh away; round iii - closed. - by a demon - 08-29-2015, 02:21 AM

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