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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  dive in, I'll show you where the river ends; yadigar
    there’s a hole in my chest but it’s mine, baby, it’s all i got.
    He has grown reclusive, wrapping himself in the blanket of his sorrows as he keeps to the dark edges of where ever he roams. He returns to Nerine to roost each night and then he is gone when the sun rises over the cliffs. Every step he has taken was in defiance of his father and not a fraction of it mattered, in the end. Ghaul had presented him with an ultimatum that tore through his plans and left him melancholy - save the north and watch Breach die, or set fire to this world and pray for forgiveness.

    He startles at the sound of her voice and turns sharply from the river to look at her. His tail curls up, ready to whip and lash out until he recognizes the scent of her. Breach’s outline has changed since he last saw her, he realizes. But, oh, the tide of relief that washes over him to hear her voice and see her standing before him.

    You’re alive,” he echoes, equally astonished.

    He does not approach her. The distance between them remains precisely as it is. Would she be disappointed to know the final choice he had made? He shies backward and his wings spread a little as he considers fleeing from this interaction. God knows it would break his heart to leave her like this, but her life could be infinitely happier without him darkening her door again. But then why does he hesitate and linger here, talons nervously tracing circles in the river mud?

    I don’t.. I don’t think we should talk.

    It pains him to say it, to look at her and wish he was just a little stronger. But he is a danger to her and everyone else he has come to care for. He is precisely the monster he had sworn he could never be.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: dive in, I'll show you where the river ends; yadigar - by yadigar - 08-23-2020, 07:20 PM

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