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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    got a devil on your back so shake it out

    She isn't wrong. Though this isn't the first time, Aela is finding she quite likes the notion of being right. There had been plenty for the blue-eyed girl to look at so even if Straia had taken her time, the golden yearling wouldn't have minded. Pangea was something new and exciting; Pangea was gilded to Aela and her first impression of the kingdom to the East left the filly with that sense again.

    Aela knew she was right to come here.
    Just as she knew that if she came, so would she.

    There are many questions lurking beneath the golden lashes of the girl. When Straia appears - from where? - the filly tilts her head, briefly mystified by the presence of the painted woman. Aela had known she would come but there is still something that awes her about that notion of Magic, how some things are just known, and how where there had been thin air before, Magic manifests itself into shape. Aela, who has been tucked and secured away in the North for reasons she never knew, who may have been one of the reasons for Brennen's barricade, watches the Magician come forward and her expression turns from modest to honest excitement.

    Straia comes from behind a wall of sandstone and Aela smiles up at her, delighted that she's been found.

    The yearling nods her elegant head once, answering the Dominus' first question. It's the next ones that require more thinking and the golden girl feels her brow furrow slightly, wondering the best way to go about answering. Not all realize that Aela can't speak; she has only recently found her voice thanks to Beyza and that was part of the reason why the filly was here. Aela flashes the memory first, the moment when Straia had first caught her attention. Her flanks had been lathered with sweat and Aela had smelt of ash and cinders (how dreadful) by the time she had reached the 'safety' of Nerine but when she had, there had been Straia with an upturned wing and she commanded the sky.

    And the sky had answered her.

    Her head tilts again, studying the fine lines on the face that meets her own, and Aela wonders if @[Straia] had 'heard' her. There are easier ways of communicating and the gold-striped filly wonders if putting her memories into a sentence might make her thoughts clearer, maybe the Magician could hear her the same way that her great-grandmother could. I saw you, tries the girl, turning that bright gaze up to the Pangean leader. And I wanted to know how you opened the sky.

    The girl is far, far too bold in asking and the shy smile that comes is far too belying of her true nature. I think I'd like to do that, too.

    image credit to footybandit

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: got a devil on your back so shake it out - by Aela - 10-01-2020, 09:42 PM

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