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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  and if everything's gone bad, we'll make it alright
    please don't go. i'll eat you whole, i love you so.
    Thus far, Narcisus has only further cemented the idea that the world is full of kind and interesting people. He laughs when Sixteen attempts even the silliest of jokes and he asks questions that the little glowing boy has never thought of before. In short, he is delightful to be around. It seems strange, then, that his mother did not try to devour him or to keep him by her side the way some women in Pangea did with their young.

    Yeah! Everyone likes snacks, so everyone would like me,” he says with a nod and a toothy grin.

    His bright silver eyes study his new friend when he pauses to tack on the ‘someday’ to his words. Someday? Why not now? Sixteen’s brows furrow but he doesn’t interrupt Narcisus as he continues on. His confusion turns to concern when the other boy says maybe something happened to his mother. Did someone eat her, he wonders? It’s really the only bad thing he can think of, as it’s the only thing that could take him from his sister. And there is a part of him that wants to join him in this quest, but the thought of Catryn keeps him grounded.

    He tilts his dark purple head as he watches the other fuss with his feathers for a moment before plucking one. Sixteen’s eyes grow wide in wonder as he eagerly accepts the bauble from his friend. A gift! Just for him! He carefully tucks the feather into the grip of the clawed thumb on his wing.

    I’m going to keep this in my den. For every day you don’t come see me, I expect another feather,” he says with a self-assured nod. “I’m going to look for your mom too, though. And if I find her for you, then you’ll owe me precisely one favor.

    He grins with a mouth full of sharp baby teeth and nuzzles his face to the other child’s cheek. Then, with a flap of leathery wings, he is gone, off to interrogate the elders of Pangea.


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    RE: and if everything's gone bad, we'll make it alright - by sixteen - 10-26-2020, 07:39 PM

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