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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i break chains all by myself; narcisus
    I'm telling these tears, "Go and fall away, fall away."
    May the last one burn into flames.

    He sometimes pondered the thought that he had been cursed by the gods at his birth. It would certainly explain some of the happenings throughout his lifetime. But it would most certainly explain the fact that he seemed to attract absolute weirdos to his side for some unfathomable reason.

    Kingslay had been the first to violently interrupt his life, ripping him from his mother’s side by a magical fire barrier. The Chamber had been full of many other monsters and Lestrade had taken great care to remain out of their way and out of sight. Unbeknownst to him, even his self-appointed guardian had also been a monster – setting the jungle alight with white hot flames and beginning a war could be considered a monstrous thing to do. He also carried with him a deep suspicion of ravens for the queen of the Chamber had used ravens as a source to do her bidding, spying and bringing her back information from all corners of the land.

    He trusted birds about as far as he could throw one and their beady little eyes didn’t help their case whatsoever.

    Before he could completely escape from the river bank, another voice called out to him but this time it was insulting. Lestrade stopped, closed his eyes, and sighed heavily for a brief moment. He debated whether it was really worth the effort to engage or if he could ignore the stranger and keep moving forwards. He decided that this one would probably turn out annoyingly persistent and it was probably best to try and nip it in the bud now rather than later.

    Opening his violet eyes, he reluctantly turned towards the voice behind him. It was a winged colt who had had the audacity to call him a loser – a colt who was busily fanning his wings and doing funny little hops that essentially allowed him enough clearance to see over the tall reeds that surrounded him. Oh god, a shrimp was currently taunting him.

    But the boy turned his attention away from Lestrade and towards the earlier catcaller. The mint stallion watched blankly as the mare violently flailed and began to drown in the river while frantic onlookers attempted to rescue her. Meanwhile, the boy’s eyes had changed colors and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that this shrimp had somehow taken over the mare’s physical body and forced her into the river to drown.

    Lestrade had watched apathetically as the mare finally emerged and was left to her own devices once more before returning his violet gaze back to the boy. The buckskin boy looked proud of his accomplishments, like the mint stallion should be grateful that he had even interfered and now owed him a favor for his kindness. It was like watching a train wreck, where you couldn’t take your eyes away for fear of missing out on even more destruction.

    The colt boldly asked for his name after all that, like he had merely been out for a pleasant morning stroll instead of attempting murder.

    Lestrade was definitely cursed.

    Mint and violet must be the mating colors for monsters because it was like he couldn’t go anywhere in this place without running into one.

    His gaze sharpened and there’s a slight growl of irritation to his voice when he answered the boy.

    What’s it to you, pipsqueak?

    If one showed the slightest hint of fear to a monster, then they’d be running roughshod in no time flat. Lestrade had learned this lesson early on in his life and he stubbornly stuck to his aloof façade in hopes that they’d move on for easier prey.

    mint & violet son of lupei and azlyn.

    @[Narcisus] everybody is out to get this poor mint bby

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    RE: i break chains all by myself; narcisus - by lestrade - 12-12-2020, 05:35 PM

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