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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin]
    It's been explained to her (a few times now) about their family dynamic. Lilliana never goes into the specifics but Roselin understands enough that her elder brothers have children of their own and that they also fall into this wide berth of family that seems to encompass almost every horse living in Taiga. Nashua has pale twins whose mother likes to keep them more towards the craggy Nerinian border. Yanhua has a set as well but they are not white and she can't quite remember if they have wings or stripes or spots.

    And then Lilliana had mentioned that there was another - a filly born outside of Yan's twins. (It might have sparked a deeper flame of curiosity within the silver-black girl if not for Reave, her younger brother who had been born in the same season as all the other Taigalings. The chestnut tobiano had been born without a twin and so Roselin realizes that not everybody comes into the world in pairs. It's still an oddity for her to think that her own mother doesn't have one.)

    This filly - with her flaxen mane, her blue eyes, the start of two small nubs where horns like her father will someday emerge - is very clearly the daughter of Yanhua. Rosey sees it all staring kindly back at her and the yearling stretches her neck out so that the younger girl could greet her, if she wished it. When she pulls back, Rosey is smiling. "You look like him," she says and the warmth coming from her voice means that she implies this as a compliment. Of her two older brothers (not that she will ever admit to having a favorite), it has always been Yanhua who has played along with her games and nurtured her hopes of someday bringing a garden to Taiga. There is nobody in her little world quite like him.

    (Oren participates from time to time but then Taiga is a big wood filled with wild wonders and it seems hard for her twin to focus on just one thing.)

    Rosey, happy with the explanation of who the horned filly is, continues: "I tried meeting Lumi and Ellie the other day but then I found a small meadow of lupines." Her mind grows full of the flowers -  an abundance of pink and white and purple dancing in a spring breeze  - and sighs. "They are Nash's daughters," she adds, realizing that Memorie might not who she is speaking of.

    She can almost recall their light, lovely scent. By the time she had left, it had been getting dark and she knew that the visit would have to wait for another day. Her mother didn't like her youngest children out past twilight and Roselin tried her best to follow that rule. It helped that as soon as Lilliana left for her routine patrols after dusk, Leilan - her father -  came. "They are Nash's daughters," she adds, realizing that Memorie might not know who she is speaking of. (Does she know who Nashua is?)

    Roselin brightens at the thought and tilts her head curiously, watching as @[Memorie] asks about her garden. The smile on Roselin's dark face beams because this endeavor is one that she is coming to love. "Not yet," she admits with a touch of yearning. "I can't grow but I've been trying to find flowers to bring to Taiga." She explains and then elaborates with a puff of ice-smoke from her petite nostrils. It twinkles prettily in the spring sunshine before it dissipates, taking the winter coldness away with it.

    "Would you like to help?"


    apologies for this being a bit... everywhere lol

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Be still, and listen to your heart [Roselin] - by Roselin - 01-14-2021, 12:45 PM

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