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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Deep in the darkness lies my beating heart [Yanhua]

    And when all the lights are broken, You keep the fire going

    Every day there was something new to enjoy about being a father. Yanhua delighted in watching his children grow and develop, each one of the three growing in vastly different directions. Reynard was his handsome little destrier, full of bravado and inner strength. Yan hoped to do his son justice, raise him up well as a young colt ought to be so that his courage never failed him when the situation depended on it. Cheri was his tender, sweet adventurer. She always wanted to travel, but her love for family kept her from striking out on her own. Yanhua wanted her to see that someday, she could make a family wherever she went. Memorie was his curious, lovely helper. She was clearly full of questions - questions Yan enjoyed answering - and he hoped to see her talents fulfilled to their greatest potential.

    His little filly stretched up to return the embrace, trailing her fuzzy nose over the lower-half of Yanhua’s shoulder, and her father chuckled. “A million more?!” Yan faked exasperation, nudging her back towards the foggy embrace of Taiga’s treeline. It was time they made their way home again, in case Borderline started to worry.

    “Tephra,” Yan began, picking up a slow trot he expected Memorie to follow easily enough, “is a kingdom to the west of Taiga. There are four Kingdoms.” Yan explained as he passed through the woodline, striking out into the forest on a small deerpath. “Tephra, Loess, Hyaline, and our kingdom - which is Icicle Isle.” He told his daughter, clopping down a little hill that put them on a trail which cut a path along the side of a steep embankment.

    “I told you who Cheri and Reynard were, little busy bee.” He laughed as he kept on, taking a trail that forked left towards the heart of their home. The ground evened out, making it easier to trot along. “Weren’t you listening? They’re your half brother and sister. My mate, Amarine, is their mother.” Yan explained, looking ahead and flicking his ears to-and-fro.

    He relaxed his jog and slowed to a halt, pausing near the spot he’d found Memorie at when they’d started this trip. Tipping his nose to the air, Yanhua whuffed the invisible trail of interwoven scents until he found one that seemed old but familiar. It was his daughter Memorie's, and he intended to follow it backwards from the source. He left the trail then, flicking his long legs out in graceful strides to cut through the ferns and undergrowth so Mem could follow behind.

    “And you can meet them as soon as you like.” Yan told her with a smile, brushing away low limbs and pushing through obstructive bushes with his horns. “I’ll talk to your mother about collecting you for morning lessons. You and Reynard share similar magic gifts; It would make sense that you both learn at the same time.”

    As he parted the saplings and bracken, Yan came to a halt with his head held high. Borderline’s scent was strong here - Memorie should have no trouble finding her now.

    “I had a wonderful time on our walk today, Memorie.” Yan told his daughter as he nodded for her to continue on without him. There was warmth in his voice. “I’ll see you again very soon, alright little love?” He promised her. Yan waited and watched, a silent sentinel over the family he’d created, and then when Memorie had said her goodbyes and wandered off to her mother he turned back - bounding off into the woodlands again to continue on his rounds.

    And when all the nights feel like they're closing, You're leaving an opening


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    RE: Deep in the darkness lies my beating heart [Yanhua] - by Yanhua - 01-14-2021, 01:45 PM

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