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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua]
    Yan hadn’t forgotten about Borderline. How could he? She, like all the other horses dependent on Yan for safety, protection, and survival, had been at the forefront of his thoughts since he and Amarine had gone to the Mountain. Since the Eclipse wasn’t ending and darkness followed his and the butterfly’s steps everywhere they went, Yan knew the keening over his and Amarine’s absence would be felt by those they’d left behind.

    However, Borderline and Memorie were safe in Taiga. He at least assumed that Leilan or Nashua would be keeping an eye on them, or Lilliana as well. Hell, he half expected them all to be gathered together, waiting for news or his and Ama’s return arrival. He couldn’t have possibly known that Borderline and Memorie were, in fact, left alone to traverse the terrifying event by themselves.

    His priorities had bent towards the twins who’d been left alone in the Playground, only to discover (after a horrible trek through the forest) that neither of them could be found there. He and Ama had spent days searching the expanse of magically protected common land, calling out for their children only to be greeted by the eerie quiet of the day-dark and the occasional skitter of shapeless nightmare creatures.

    This was Yanhua’s worst nightmare coming to life. His children, gone. Amarine on the verge of a mental breakdown with himself not far behind. Their remaining option had been to return home empty, and they did so quietly with lingering regret.

    The only time Yanhua paused on their long, quiet trip home had been when he and his butterfly mate passed through the River. It reminded him sorely of when he and Cheri had made their way here at the beginning of the journey, and as much as Yan wanted to linger there and search for any sign that his daughter might’ve come here in a desperate bid to find her way to Taiga, he knew that it would be time taken away from reuniting with the rest of their extended family waiting in the somber shelter of the redwoods.

    So they kept moving, and Yanhua tried his best to keep Amarine from falling apart even though he wanted to crumble himself. He would spend every waking hour searching for the twins until they were found, he promised, until they were all together again and safe despite the unnatural phenomena shrouding their world in gloomy darkness. And then they would figure this out as a family.

    Not long into Taiga was when Yan tried to feel for the echoes that’d left him during the eclipse; he tried to open that side of himself to the memories and feelings of others, hoping that an image from Amarine or Borderline, maybe even Memorie, would hit him. Nothing came. It wasn’t until the couple was walking nearer to their bedding location (a place near water and the open meadow, downwind from predators) that Yanhua heard the faint crying in the distance. It sounded hollow and forlorn, as ghostly as anything he’d seen with his powers but very real to the senses. He paused, knowing immediately who it was, and turning to give Amarine an encouraging press of his head against her neck, Yan promised her he’d be right back - that it was Borderline and she might be in trouble.

    The horned stallion took off, trotting lamely but as quickly as he could manage through the woods. He had his intangibility to thank for making easy work of the otherwise encumbering trees, bushes, and debris littering the ground - the self-made power ensured he could pass through objects that would otherwise obstruct him. At last he burst into the clearing, hobbling forward to sush the worried mare left all alone in the near-black forest.

    “Borderline, Borderline, it’s alright…” Yan limped at a hurried walk, feeling his shoulder and leg protest with every step. He reached for her, quick to throw his neck over hers and pull the blue-haired mare closer into a tight embrace. “It’s alright now. Why are you crying? Is it Memorie, is she alright?” He asked fearfully.

    Please gods, he prayed silently, let her be alright.


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    RE: In the middle of the darkest nights [Yanhua] - by Yanhua - 01-15-2021, 12:23 PM

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