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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'm quick with the bullet when it comes undone; hourglass
    — and how long must I stay, will I lay by your side
    just to say that I'm yours and you'll never be mine —
    He is looking at her in a way that she cannot comprehend — all she knows is that it makes her uneasy. There is a feeling of guilt, as if she has done something wrong, and she is surprised at how easily an apology is willing to leap to her tongue. She does not need a reason, does not need to know why, or even understand what is happening; she just knows that she will do anything to keep him from looking at her this way. He is guarded, and the uncomfortable coiling inside of her chest tells her that it was something she did. She combs back through her memories, searches through every single one of them for the mistake that she made, and when she comes up empty-handed she assumes that is just another mark against herself.

    She has upset him in some way and she was too selfish and blind to see what she did.
    And it is no wonder, then, that he chose to never come back. He should not have to explain himself; not to a young, stupid girl like her.

    But she cannot shake the hope from her heart, not when she finds his familiar eyes — once so warm and open, and now so distant and closed — and she is reminded of a dark forest and fireflies, of fairy tales and knights.

    Her heart skips a beat when he steps toward her, but the cool, impersonal tone of his voice almost makes her shrink back. It’s only when she sees the darkness crawling across the land that she tears her lilac-eyes from his face to the sky above, and for a moment she is transfixed at the sight of the moon swallowing the sun. A fear that she cannot name races in a shiver up her spine, and her gaze flickers back to him, and she falls into place beside his retreating form. “What’s happening?” she asks with another glance upward, and the sudden rush of fear and anxiety is released in the form of a slight edge to her voice when she goes on to say, “And why are you acting so strange?”
    — with this love like a hole,
    swallow my soul —

    @[The Monsters] I want to see what happens to her love illusionism <3

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    RE: I'm quick with the bullet when it comes undone; hourglass - by Hourglass - 01-19-2021, 02:45 AM

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