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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  to be weak is to be miserable
    The stranger doesn’t leave and the haze in the black mare’s mind roars with new frustration and uncertainty. Should she know this face?

    Her head tilts down to better look at the bone creature that approaches. Warring instincts - to flee or to fight - join the frenzy in her mind. In the end, she shifts just slightly away, unnerved and unsettled and immediately annoyed with herself for this small display of fear. She does not know what the bone-thing is though she recognizes its parts as the leftovers from a meal.

    She remembers what bones sound like when they fracture and with that thought, her heart is thundering so loudly as she stares at the creature that she almost misses everything that is being spoken.

    But she drags her black eyes back to the other mare at that last word. She knows the word monster with a heavy familiarity. It is not her name, but it’s one of the things she’s been called.

    She opens her mouth and an imitation of the clicking-noise that the monsters, their family, use comes out of her. This noise serves as a stand-in for a question that she cannot form with words - those monsters? Is that who this mare is referring to? Her head tilts slightly to the side as she regards the stranger with more curiosity than frustration now. She doesn't know that the new emotion in her still-learning heart is hope - a feeble wish that there could possibly be others in their family like her.


    Messages In This Thread
    to be weak is to be miserable - by Nostromo - 01-15-2021, 07:58 PM
    RE: to be weak is to be miserable - by violence - 01-30-2021, 08:06 PM
    RE: to be weak is to be miserable - by Nostromo - 01-31-2021, 03:50 PM
    RE: to be weak is to be miserable - by violence - 02-13-2021, 08:11 PM
    RE: to be weak is to be miserable - by Nostromo - 02-27-2021, 02:37 PM

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