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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  cuts you like an arrow

    The orange of Mazikeen's eyes shine a little brighter with a smile at Reave's question, though there's not much happiness in the action. Still, just as it doesn’t occur to Reave that his question might be too personal, it doesn’t really occur to Mazikeen that she could just… not answer or come up with something that was satisfactory. There are topics she’s becoming very good at avoiding in her own mind, but her reasoning behind going for her quest was not one of them. The surety that she was not enough that had driven her up the mountain had been both reinforced and challenged recently.

    But she still believed it with all of her heart, still feared that one day a monster of one shape or another would threaten someone she loved and if she could only be strong enough she’d be able to save them.

    “I was - or am, I guess - worried that one day, a bear or a lion might not be enough when it really matters. So I wanted to quest for something... more. What exactly that'll be, I guess, is up to the fairies. I left it up to interpretation.” Which may not have been the best idea but, here she was.

    She’s curious about his reaction, if he has one. Though she can't see him well, her head and ears remain tilted in his direction. Both Sabal and Breach had made it clear that she was perfectly fine as she was before - which was some relief, knowing her friends didn’t think she was weak, but she didn’t quite believe them. She’d faced death in these woods and she’d hunted monsters and she felt it was being completely practical to want to come out on top the next time her strength was contested in a life-or-death situation.



    Messages In This Thread
    cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 02-04-2021, 11:39 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 02-05-2021, 11:28 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 02-07-2021, 11:32 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 02-09-2021, 11:15 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 02-10-2021, 04:40 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 02-11-2021, 11:30 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 02-14-2021, 05:38 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 02-18-2021, 10:25 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 02-25-2021, 09:43 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 03-01-2021, 10:40 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 03-07-2021, 05:53 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 03-10-2021, 10:04 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 03-13-2021, 12:56 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 03-24-2021, 09:19 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 04-06-2021, 05:46 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 04-20-2021, 11:03 AM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Mazikeen - 04-23-2021, 03:37 PM
    RE: cuts you like an arrow - by Reave - 04-28-2021, 09:28 AM

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