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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Time cast a spell on you but you won't forget me [Oceane]

    Help me out before I drown
    Save me now before I give up

    A small bird lands on her backside as if she’s a modern day Snow White. The slim curved ears flick back as the bird starts to chirp and a sudden concentration washes over her face. As if she can understand it’s song. Dear lord, can she talk to animals? The bear within him stirs, claws trailing along his ribcage, showing interest now in the winged mare. As if to ask Ledger, maybe she wouldn’t mind talking to me. Maybe she might accept us. All of us. His nostrils flare in response as he quickly shoots down the beast. No… No he had done that once before. Even before he had lost control, he could sense the wariness in others around him. Even in those that claimed to love him. Then again they had been right in the end. The gift (curse?) had still been new to him, unruly. He hadn’t truly accepted it, not like he had now. Perhaps that was why his temper and rage seemed to pull the strings on the arctic creature, made it more responsive to his moods. Made it harder to control. Although he had now finally accepted his shifted self, it didn't mean he was comfortable sharing that part of himself anymore. Especially when it could be so treacherous.

    “Ledger” she says and he finds himself wanting her to always say his name like that. The warmth that surrounds it, as if he was wanted. He doesn’t even know her, so why does he want her to remember his name? Who was she really? This sorceress that let songbirds rest on her withers and could lure beasts to her side?  “No. I’ve lived in these lands long before Loess was ever Loess.” His smile is still strained but he tries for her, even as he feels the age that comes with that question and all the memories that come with it. In a normal world he would probably be dead. But Beqanna was far from normal. Even those that weren’t graced with immortality seemed to live longer than usual lives without the repercussions of becoming decrepit and withered. One day, he would grow old and die. For now time was being kind. Or cruel, it was sometimes hard to tell.

    He doesn’t see the way her expression changes but can hear it in her voice. As she apologies for disturbing him and his lips quirk slightly in a smirk despite the circumstances, it was a well deserved jab. He ignores the spasm of regret that’s already pricking at his decision. This was for the best. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t allow anyone to get too close again. Oceane was unknowingly dredging up echos that were better left forgotten while simultaneously threading the hope that maybe things could be different. Hope was dangerous, too dangerous for him.

    But she lingers. And asks a question that’s too complicated to fully answer. He warily turns his head, arching his neck slightly as he reluctantly looks back to her furrowed brow and penetrating stare. “Let’s just say I have an unpredictable condition.” He pauses, because it’s so much more than that. So much more than just the polar bear that shares his flesh and bones. It’s the mental disease that lurks in his head, the anxiety that’s turning like a stone in his belly, the depression that brings ghosts back from the dead to torment him. It’s the fear of losing control again as he had done on those black sands of Tephra. of hurting those that did not deserve it just to get to the ones that did. It’s only amplified by the bear, making him far more destructive than he would be as just a normal equine.

    Saying all that sounds crazy, makes him feel as if he may be crazy. The words physically won’t move from his throat. So instead he finally says with a slight shrug, “One that’s caused issues in the past.” It’s not a lie, he had failed in every role he had ever played for a kingdom or ruler. Not because he wasn’t good at what he did. It was just an inevitable repercussion for when he lost control and failed the sovereign, the kingdom, and most of all himself. “I doubt your kingdom would want that kind of risk.” I doubt you would want that risk.



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    RE: Time cast a spell on you but you won't forget me [Oceane] - by Ledger - 04-18-2021, 01:22 AM

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