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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Nobody's your friend at the start or at the end; any

    Help me out before I drown
    Save me now before I give up

    He’s still not quite sure why he had agreed to come. If he had wanted to disappear into a cave forever then he could have done so anywhere. He had already faded a few times from the forefront of this world, allowing his madness and illness to smother him into obscurity. So what made Oceane’s offer any different? Why was it her cave, her home, that he decided to try on as his? It was lie he kept telling himself, that it had nothing to do with her and nothing to do with the strange sensation that swirls around his empty glass heart when she looks at him. As if she doesn’t see a shattered man before her.

    He had watched many kingdoms rise and fall, had seen the land break and remake itself. He knows how fleeting all of it is, how this surely can’t last as well. However Oceane had kept her word, offering a space for him in a rather hidden cove to avoid the others as much as he needed. It had been nice at first, the solitary days spent exploring this new place of his. He shifted without worry of judgement or fear of reacting without warning, the polar bear spending several hours lounging in the gentle surf that rolls up pure white sands as a watery sun warms his back. The air is still cold but his blood runs hot and he spends most of his time bathing in the increasingly cold waters. He keeps to his shelter and is content enough to not explore further than what has been claimed as his.

    Although his mind is still in a constant state of turning and he still finds sleep hard to come by, he starts to relax here in Loess. His dreams are still filled of half truths, pain, and ghosts but in the waking hours he’s a little more present and the triggers are easier to avoid. He finds his gaze wanders constantly to the skies for a hint of a twilight wing.

    It’s about a week before he finally ventures further than the cove, looking for the river that she had spoken of. Ledger had never allowed himself to give in to his bear’s true natures. He had never hunted or ate anything outside of his equine diet, refusing to give in. As much as he hated what he could become, and feared what he could do when he became lost in the fog of his madness, he had accepted the bear now. They were one. It was time to prove that.

    The polar bear ambles quietly in his search, allowing himself to become familiar with the landscape that passes him. His anxiety flutters slightly in the depths of his stomach, being outside of his designated space. He’s unsure if anyone else in Loess knew about him, if Oceane had really kept him a secret. Perhaps he shouldn’t be in his shifted state but part of him was sick of also hiding it for so long. Besides how was he going to fish with hooves?

    The internal debate concludes the moment he rounds a hilly bend and sees a stallion scowling  at him. There’s an instant flood of shame and guilt and fear and the long shaggy winter coat of the bear disappears quickly as he morphs back to his normal self. His one eye regards the other warily, a snap of his flaxen tail displaying the anxiety that quickly crawls up his chest. He’s not sure if this is one of Loess’s residents or not but the dappled male doesn’t exactly seem friendly and he figures at least for Oceane’s sake he should figure it out. “Hello.” Comes the rough raspy voice as his muzzle gestures in acknowledgment to him, his gold flecked eye still wary and cautious.


    @[Ashhal] Mines not much better lol

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    RE: Nobody's your friend at the start or at the end; any - by Ledger - 04-29-2021, 07:03 PM

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