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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Do you stare into the void, or does it stare into you? Jenger

    She has his gaze for far too briefly before that soft amber shade pulls away to return to a sky she feels suddenly mildly jealous of. There had been something new in that gaze, something ancient and beautiful like viewing a world from mountain peaks and realizing that everything you thought you knew could look so different from new heights. She had seen something vast inside those eyes, something she now searched for in the faded watery gold of his face.

    She would like very much to tell him yes, of course she knew about this crack in the sky that he speaks of, to sound wise enough to reclaim that wandering gaze. But instead she shakes her head slowly, those delicate brows knitting together to pinch the white sun marking on her forehead. “I don’t know anything about a crack in the sky.” Her eyes slip back to the starless midnight, searching in the same way his do for some kind of irregularity in the endless black. There is nothing to find though, or at least nothing her eyes can discern, and there is apology in her gentled expression when she gives up and looks to him once more instead. “Perhaps that’s where all the light went. Spilled right through the crack like yolk from an egg.”

    It takes Aureline a moment to realize his gaze is on her again, and she blinks back a strange heat that threatens to rise to the skin of her face as she resettles those dark feathered wings against her sides once more. She hates the way it feels like she’s disappointing him when she slowly shakes her head again, whispers a quiet, “no, sorry,” even as she wonders why she’s apologizing for something so silly. It’s the way he can hardly keep his eyes from the sky though, the way she can almost see wanderlust drifting from his skin like silver stardust. It makes her feel like he’s lost something and trying to find his way back to it again

    It’s a feeling she knows all too well.

    “Was it something important, this crack in the sky? Did it mean something?” Her voice is gentle, her eyes torn between watching him and watching the sky, though in the end her gaze settles uncertainly on his face. “I never saw it, but it sounds important.” Then her gaze abandons his face again, those molten eyes lifting to an empty sky to search for any kind of familiar horizon. For stars and a moon and the sliver of light that sometimes stretched across the horizon. For more than that haloed ring of light in the sky. But there is nothing, just as there has been nothing. "Where was it, can you show me?" 


    dear wilderness, be at your best 
    her armor is thin as the fabric of her dress


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    RE: Do you stare into the void, or does it stare into you? Jenger - by aureline - 05-10-2021, 01:54 PM

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