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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  She's A Mercenary With Perfume - Anubias

    The light that meets the dark

    Creature gave away Anubias’ sudden appearance, but not before the fuzzy little critter startled Cheri like it had the first time they’d met. She’d just raised her head when the sensation of another animal’s fur rubbing up against her leg scared her, and looking down at the adorable masked face of the companion dispelled that fear immediately. “It’s you!” Cheri laughed, watching the red panda disappear into the woods again with a smile. That was how Anubias first saw her when he came into the scene moments later: with her head raised prettily and her ears forward, grinning and eyes sparkling as they touched noses.

    “I know!” She gushed about the sunlight and seeing him again, her gaze briefly skimming over the green horse. He seemed healthy; the once-colt was now a young stallion himself, covered in a skin the color of emerald summer grass but positively gleaming with iridescence in the little dapples of sunlight from up above. “And hello to you too, Creature.” She beamed down at the female red panda, amused by the thought that she’d ever been scared of her to begin with.

    For her, she had a gentle welcome - Cheri ran her dark nose overtop the panda’s back and then looked at Anubias again. “Has it really been so long?” She wondered pleasantly, happy that her excursion down to the surface had resulted in his appearing once again. It felt like an entire lifetime had passed since that fateful evening at the River’s edge, and in that time almost anything could’ve happened to the colt. Cheri was glad that the opposite was true. He seemed unchanged and just as positive as ever, and his mood transferred itself to her by association until she was laughing along with him, eyes pointed at the canopy above.

    “The world may have gotten a little smaller since we last saw each other, but Taiga’s trees are still the quiet titans they always were.” She sighed happily. “I moved away from home, by the way.” Cheri was quick to add. “I live in Loess now. We’re neighbors!” She giggled softly, still a filly at heart if not in size anymore.

    “In fact, I came here today hoping that I’d run across you. I wanted to properly thank you for helping me.” Her humor dampened with sincerity, and the crystalline mare uncurled her neck to plant a tender peck on Anubias’ nose. “Because of you I made it home safe and sound. I owe you one.” She withdrew, lashes downturned.


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    RE: She's A Mercenary With Perfume - Anubias - by Cheri - 05-13-2021, 02:43 PM

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