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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  my cold-hearted child, any

    He watches her for a few long minutes as if she is not real. From a grassy cliff behind her, he looks down quietly. The glowing smoke that usually only appears at night curls and dances in erratic fashion around his dark feathered feet. His tail tossing with agitation. He pushes his aggravation away, it’s a delight to see her; to see the dusk’s light shine across her smooth golden back. She is brilliant against the obsidian sand.

    A pair of large white owls call out from their high perches. They look down from the height of a huge pine, the pair’s piercing yellow eyes casting down to the ‘intruder’. He’s about to tell them to hush when a stranger slithers forward. He lets the owls call out eerily. His scars from the last intruder have yet to heal completely. His daughter brought him back from the brink of rotting away, immortality kept him from death, but still the deep slashes flash pink and fresh across his chest and sides. His jaw tightens, clenching. Really?

    He rolls his eyes, his body pushing forward with a trot, approaching from behind Bible. He wants to reach out and touch her hip, but he does not own her and such a gesture might scream that he may mistake her kindness for true affections. He’s not so dull, usually, and tries to avoid that sort of thought. He’s not particularly welcoming or gruff, smiling to Bible, saying hello silently. His smoke spills out thick from around his ankles, drifting outward, and as it does Irisaen emerges from his thick forelock, flicking her tongue at the sapphire stallion.

    Hi.” his teal eyes level with the other stallion, his tone without expression; heavy and flat. He’s not sure what was being said before he arrived and ignores that he may be interrupting it. “Just visiting, or?” and just then he breaks his restraint and reaches out to breathe against her golden neck, the hard metal of her skin only centimeters away before he pulls away and settles his eyes and his focus back onto the tobiano.

    to the window, to the wall

    so this seems like something poetic and beautiful,
    a fragile moment really - let chemdog come ruin it D:

    @[bible] @[crowns]

    edit: wait...shit... is this some chaos week stuff? i assumed it was metaphorical and such? now i'm wondering if crowns is suddenly eating bible and chem just rolls up, "sup"

    Messages In This Thread
    my cold-hearted child, any - by bible - 05-18-2021, 10:21 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by crowns - 05-23-2021, 07:42 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by bible - 05-23-2021, 08:06 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by Chemdog - 05-23-2021, 08:19 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by crowns - 05-23-2021, 09:05 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by bible - 05-28-2021, 05:22 PM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by Chemdog - 05-29-2021, 05:34 AM
    RE: my cold-hearted child, any - by crowns - 06-30-2021, 06:02 PM

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