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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  sitting pretty in the prime of life

    the would-be queen

    Morning is creeping over the Forest, long tendrils of light reaching between strands of stoic pines and heaven-bound oaks. It's still fairly early, but already the air is warming, the temperature rising quickly as the sun begins its ascent into the sky. At the base of a mighty oak on the outskirts of the Forest, Djuna has nestled herself into a bed of moss, finding shelter under the thick branches. It isn't the light that wakes her, but rather the cacophonous orchestra of songbirds that screech and sing from the highest branches

    Djuna lays nestled at the base of a mighty oak at the outskirts of the Forest, the light rousing her from a restless slumber. The gentle melody of the songbirds in the trees pulls her further away from sleep, jade eyes blinking open slowly. Confusion sets in quickly, a panic seizing her heart for a split second before she remembers where she is ― and why she's here. Beqanna, this land seeped in magic, is meant to be her new home. No longer is she welcome in the place of her birth nor in the kingdom she had once helped rule over. The life she once lived is gone, a consequence brought on by the same foolishness that got her into trouble as a child so many times.

    Perhaps some things never change.

    It takes the woman a few long moments to settle back into reality and gain a grip on her surroundings. The sun is well into the morning sky by the time she is fully awake and on her feet. The air around her is beginning to feel thick and swampy, a tangible weight against her dirt-covered skin. I must look a mess, she thinks, mane and tail all bedraggled, sweat gleaming on her brow, and her body smudged with dirt and mud. Where once she was an image of beauty and a testament to the rewards of meticulous grooming, now she more closely resembles a stray. More and more, lately, Djuna's felt like one too, feeding on any scraps of kindness or attention thrown her way.

    It's hard not to feel sorry for herself.

    Jewel-green gaze sweeps across her surroundings, attention directed towards the sound of running water. Intent on finding a place to wash the muck and mire from her body, Djuna ventures from her little nest and follows the gentle burble until a creek comes into view. With little hesitancy she steps into the crystalline water, one foot in front of the other until the water licks at her knees and washes away layers of dirt. For a moment, she pauses, content to simply be for just a few moments.


    Image by VeerDesigns

    Messages In This Thread
    sitting pretty in the prime of life - by Djuna - 06-08-2021, 05:28 PM

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