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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene

    a bright and dangerous spark

    Too late she realized how much had changed in her brief absence. The paths that had always been worn down were now overgrown, different than Cheri remembered. The scrubby, hardy growth of arid plants clung to the lower walls of the canyons where they hadn’t before, as if years had passed and not just a single night. Her confidence faltered the more Cheri took in the strange but familiar world around her, and the once-confident steps slowed their pace until the black mare had nearly come to a stop.

    She rounded a bend in the maze of sandstone spires, only to be met with her worst nightmare.

    Obscene. What was he doing in Loess? Cheri frowned, though her confusion about the events of last night superseded her ability to properly appear “displeased”, and the look itself was a less-harsh version of what it might’ve been in any other situation. Still, his mannerisms drew her attention back to the present and she watched, alarmed, as he approached her casually.

    As if they were friends and not bitter rivals.

    And then he kissed her.

    It came so quickly that Cheri could only manage halfway picking up her leg before shock planted her firmly into place. The sensation of his lips, warm and with a definite purpose to their action, kept her silently amazed as they indented themselves into her pelt with a firm but loving pressure. That was highly unexpected; enough that her mouth popped open into a silent “O”.

    Cheri blinked, trying (and failing miserably) to form words so that she could reply to his light-hearted joke, but just as a few came to mind Obscene had moved ahead without her. This time he meant business: the shape of his muzzle covered up her own sluggish mouth, quick to form itself to her as if he’d done it a thousand times before. It left Cheri stupefied, utterly frozen. The nothingness came back a thousand times as potent as the first, spreading throughout her lovely face and leaching into her motionless limbs until she found herself pushing back.

    She kissed him because it reminded her of that day in the Pampas, and Cheri had never been able to get over it since.

    Slowly, she closed her eyes. The darkness swept over her like a devouring animal, hungry for her subservience. She was surprised to find herself starving as well, having thought of this moment in heated daydreams until the desire left her gnashing her teeth in an unsatisfied rage. Obscene kissed her and passion sprung from the unspoken connection between them, as white-hot and real as anything Cheri had known in this life, as true and earnest as anything she would ever know in any lifetime, and for all her strength and goodness she was powerless in the face of it.

    Gods she had wanted this so badly. Had wanted him.

    Her face twisted in a spasm of painful ecstasy and with a breathy gasp Cheri broke away from Obscene, muffling an unexpected sob.

    “Okay enough!” She managed to blurt out, finally taking that step she’d meant to take moments before. Her chest heaved, clearly out of air. She looked at him and then away from him, deliberately trying to make sense of what had just happened without losing herself again. “What the fuck Obscene?” Cheri murmured.

    “What are you doing here?”
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    Messages In This Thread
    Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene - by Cheri - 06-11-2021, 07:11 PM
    RE: Pink Elephant in the room - Obscene - by Cheri - 06-11-2021, 08:51 PM

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